Alloy Artifacts

JIS Data Sources

This section will provide documentation for the sources of data for the JIS database.

Primary Sources

The first primary source of data on JIS certifications is the "JIS認証月度レポート" ("JIS Certification Monthly Report"), which is a series of booklets published monthly by the Japanese Standards Association. The booklets are available in a number of Japanese libraries, but are generally not available for an internet search by the general public.

The monthly booklets were complemented by the "JIS表示許可工場名簿" ("List of Factories Approved for JIS Certification"), which were published occasionally on a somewhat irregular basis. The list of certified factories is known to have been published in 1962, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1972, and 1982. Printed copies of the published list are available in some Japanese libraries.

These two sources are significantly different in the level of detail. The monthly reports are basically transactions applying to a particular company and product class, such as new certifications, suspensions, or revocations.

In contrast, the list of certified factories shows the cumulative JIS certification status for a company and product class, but only for those companies retaining JIS certification. Once a company's JIS certification has been released or revoked, it will be dropped from the next publication of the list.

We've used the word "cumulative" because an entry in the list typically includes the accumulated effects of multiple prior tests or events. It may show the JIS number and date from the original certification, an upgrade to "Strong" class from a later test, and a new factory address from the most recent change.

We will refer to the lists of certified factories as the JIS Certified List for the particular year. We were able to find scans of parts of the JIS Certified Lists (for a particular product class) on the CWC website.

Supplementary Sources

Some summaries of JIS certifications from the 1950s are available in "Factory Name List" publications, but with less detail than the later reports. We have summaries for 1955 and 1958 for certain JIS classes.

A summary of JIS certified companies in 1999 was published on the JISC website and is currently available as an archived website. This is by far the most convenient source for us, as the data is already machine-readable and can be readily translated. In addition, the data includes a wide range of product classes.

We are in the process of extracting the data from the web pages to create 1999 JIS Summary tables in this document. Please see the 1999 Summary section for the details.

The Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) offers a Database Search [External Link] website that allows searching for various JIS-related topics, including definitions of the JIS standards as well as currently active certifications.

JQA JIS Sources

In 2005 the JQA assumed responsiblity for JIS testing and publishes certifications on their website. Data on JQA certifications can be found at the JQA JIS My Page [External Link] website.

Unfortunately the JQA data is available only for active certifications. Once a company terminates their contract with JQA, the information on prior certifications remains available only for one year and then is expunged from the website. There are no known printed reports or other hard-copy backups for the JQA certifications, so it appears that once the data is deleted, there is no way to recover the historical information.

OCR Conversions

Our starting point for JIS certification data is typically a scan of a Japanese document. In order for us to work with the data, it must be turned into machine readable text so that it can be translated, and this requires the use of Japanese OCR software. Fortunately there are a number of websites offering free Japanese OCR conversions.

As with any OCR conversion process, there will typically be a number of errors due to unrecognizable characters. (Does anyone remember how bad the Google Patent pages were when they first came out?) In some cases we were able to fix errors by editing the scan with a graphics editor and rescanning certain areas, a time-consuming process that with sufficient patience may yield good results.

If any of the remaining errors are annoying for our Japanese readers, feel free to send us an email showing the incorrect text and the correct form (in UTF8 please).😜

Annotations for Sources

The events table of our JIS database includes a "notes" field which will typically include the earliest source of the data, along with any relevant comments. The notes field uses abbreviations "MR" for Monthly Report, "AMR" for Aggregated Monthly Reports, "FNL" for Factory Name List, "CL" for Certified List, and "SR" for Summary Report.

For example, a test first reported in the 1962 Certified List will be tagged "1962 CL".

When possible, the event data source in a database report will be a formatted as a link into the relevant web page showing details for the source. When the original source was an issue of the Monthly Report, the source will be identified by year, month, and page number.


It would be nice if we could assume that the official JIS publications were error-free — after all, it is a quality assurance organization! But it turns out that a number of errors have been found in the JIS publications, including examples of incorrect dates, misspelled company names, and even incorrect JIS numbers.

The list below will show the currently known errors. We've given up, there are too many errors to enumerate. Instead, known errors will be reported in the comments below each section of a publication, and in most cases the errors have been corrected before being added to our database.


Historical information on Japanese tool companies can be found (in Japanese) at the コンビネーションレンチ・コレクション Combination Wrench Collection [External Link] web site. We will refer to this reference as "CWC" in the text.

JIS Monthly Reports

One of the primary sources for JIS information is the "JIS認証月度レポート" ("JIS Certification Monthly Report") published by the Japanese Standards Association. This publication provides monthly updates for new certifications as well as suspensions, revocations, or other changes to the certification status of individual companies.

In this section we'll look at some examples of JIS data from the Monthly Reports. The examples span a period from the early 1950s to the 1990s, and the reader will notice a gradual improvement in the level of detail over the first two decades of this span.

Monthly Report 1952-01: JIS Certifications for Classes B4604 and B4605

Early JIS testing used different classes for adjustable wrenches based on the jaw offset angle, with class B4604 for 15 degrees and B4605 for 23 degrees.

[MR 1952-01 JIS Certifications in Classes B4604 and B4605]
Fig. 5. MR 1952-01 JIS Certifications in Classes B4604 and B4605.

The scan in Fig. 5 shows the first five JIS certifications in classes B4604 and B4605, as published on page 31 of the January, 1952 issue of the "JIS Monthly Magazine".

Note that the heading only shows katakana for "Wrenches", and that the assigned JIS numbers and date for the tests are not reported.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with the JIS numbers and date filled in from later reports.

レ ン チ
654 26.6.28 (名)第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658
65526.6.28三条機械製作所 三条市四日市 1310
65626.6.28中島精密鍛㈱ 三条市大字田島 2624
657 26.6.28 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114
658 26.6.28 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516
Comments on 1952-01 JIS Records for B4604 and B4605

Monthly Report 1952-01: JIS Certifications for Classes B4623-B4625

[MR 1952-01 JIS Certifications in Classes B4623-B4625]
Fig. 6. MR 1952-01 JIS Certifications in Classes B4623-B4625.

The scan in Fig. 6 shows a group of JIS certifications in classes B4623 to B4625, as published on page 31 of the January, 1952 Monthly Report.

Note that the heading only shows katakana for "Penchi", meaning cutting pliers, and that the assigned JIS numbers, classes, and date for the tests are not reported.

This table appears right above the table for class B4604 on page 31 of the monthly report, and it turns out that the date is the same (Showa 26.6.28) as that for the B4604 certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. Of the seven companies listed in the scan, five were also listed in the 1955 FNL for classes B4623-B4625, and we have used the JIS numbers, test date, and classes from the 1955 report.

For the other two companies, we have assumed that the JIS numbers (649 and 650) are in sequence and that the test date is the same.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ(B4623 ペンチ B4624 丸ペンチ B4625 ニッパ)
647 26.6.28 (限)栄工社東京都北席西原町 1351 B4623 1, 2 級
648 26.6.28 東京通信工機(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 B4623 1, 2 級
649 26.6.28 不二越綱材工業(株) 岡山市石金 20 B4623?
650 26.6.28 大阪機工具(株) 大阪市東成臣西今里 4 一 127 B4623?
651 26.6.28 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町273 B4623 1, 2 級
652 26.6.28 御内工具製作所 大阪府中河内郡加美村大芝町8-96 B4623 1, 2 級
653 26.6.28 (株)室本鉄工所 大阪市東成区東今里町1-57 B4623 1, 2 級

Monthly Report 1952-05: JIS Certifications for Classes B4623-B4625

[MR 1952-05 JIS Certifications in Class B4623-B4625]
Fig. 7. MR 1952-05 JIS Certifications in Class B4623-B4625.

The scan in Fig. 7 shows four JIS certifications in classes B4623 to B4625, as published on page 158 of the May, 1952 Monthly Report (JIS Vol. 5 No. 5).

Note that the heading only shows katakana for "Penchi", meaning cutting pliers, and that the assigned JIS numbers, classes, and date for the tests are not reported.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with the JIS numbers and date filled in (or estimated) from later reports. Please see the comments below the table for a description of how the missing data was reconstructed.

ペ ン チ
1015? 26.10.31 (株)松戸製作所 千葉泉松戸市根本 144B4623?
1016?26.10.31(株)三条機成製作所三条市四日市 1310B4623?
1017?26.10.31 日本理器(株) 大阪府中河内郡纏手町大字四条 596 B4623?
101826.10.31(株)マルト長谷川工作所 三条市大字島田 177 B4623
Comments on 1952-05 JIS Certifications for Classes B4623-B4625

Monthly Report 1952-09: Certifications for Classes B4604 and B4606

[1952-09 JIS Certifications for Classes B4604 and B4606]
Fig. 8. 1952-09 JIS Certifications for Classes B4604 and B4606.

The scan in Fig. 8 shows a list of six companies with new JIS certifications for classes B4604 and B4606, as published on page 286 of the September, 1952 issue of the JIS monthly Report.

The scan was downloaded from the CWC website and comes with some useful annotations in red, providing the date and noting that one company had an earlier certification as well.

[Cover of September, 1952 Issue of JIS Monthly Report]
Fig. 9. Cover of September, 1952 JIS Monthly Report.

The scan in Fig. 9 shows the cover of the September, 1952 issue of the JIS Monthly Report, the original source of the JIS certification data shown above.

The table of names and addresses above shows the challenges of working with early published JIS data — there are no certificate numbers or dates in the original publication! The notations in red were added by the CWC site to provide the known context.

In addition, even the type of product (JIS class) is not stated, except for the caption identifying the table as just "renchi" (wrenches)! As it turns out, the registrations are for a mix of adjustable and pipe wrenches.

Obviously we will need more context to make this information useful, so we will begin with an OCR conversion and then try to supply the missing data.

We ran the above scan through a Japanese OCR conversion and (after much hand editing) have placed the output in the table below, with headers added for convenience.

Since there is no "Notes" field in the original document, we have added this field based on the discovered information, and have included the appropriate JIS class(es) B4604 (adjustable wrenches) or B4606 (pipe wrenches).

The comments below the table will explain how the JIS certificate numbers were filled in.

レ ン チ
1447 27.5.13 日鍛工器(株) 大阪府堺市高須町 1-7B4604
144927.5.13中日本電工業(株)名古屋製作所大幸工場 名古屋市東区大幸町 2B4606
1450?27.5.13(次)松阪鉄工所 三重県松坂市大学垣鼻 200B4606
1451?27.5.13 大同工機(株) 大阪市導島区大開町 4-33 B4604
145227.5.13東邦工機(株) 大阪府中河内衝郡加美村新家町 114 B4606
Comments on 1952-09 JIS Certifications for Classes B4604 and B4606

Monthly Report 1953-02: Certifications for Class B4630

[1953-02 JIS Certifications for Class B4630]
Fig. 10. 1953-02 JIS Certifications for Class B4630.

The composite scan in Fig. 10 shows a list of seven companies with new JIS certifications for class B4630, as published on page 76 of the February, 1953 (Vol. 6 No. 2) Monthly Report. (The scan has been edited to show just the table of interest under the page heading.)

As was the case with the previous scan, there are no certificate numbers or dates, but the CWC site has added a caption indicating the certification date as November 10, 1952.

These are well known companies (and certifications) so we could simply look up the JIS numbers.

We tried to get clean OCR conversions for the addresses, in order to capture the place names as presented in 1952, but there were many errors. We're attempting to fix them by hand.

ス パ ナ B 4630
1974 27.11.10 昭和スパナ(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1-765
197527.11.10(株)松戸製作所千葉県松戸市根本 442
197627.11.10(有)三木熱錬工業所 兵庫県美須郡三木町交并 1683
197727.11.10京都機械工具(株) 京都市下京区東九条鳥丸町 36
197827.11.10 大阪鍛工(株) 愛知県東春日井郡守山町字瀬右 75
197927.11.10服部スパナ(株) 名古屋市熱田区梅田町 28
198027.11.10(株)東亜鍛工所石川県江沼郡動橋字動橋 2-

Monthly Report 1953-09: Certifications for Akashi and Yamaco in Class B4605

[1953-09 JIS Certifications for Akashi and Yamaco]
Fig. 11. 1953-09 JIS Certifications for Akashi and Yamaco.

The scan in Fig. 11 shows the JIS certifications for Akashi and Yamaco in class B4605, as published on page 429 of the September, 1953 Monthly Report.

The B4605 class for these certifications was used in early JIS testing and indicates an adjustable wrench with a 23° jaw angle.

No test date or JIS numbers are provided, but Akashi was later published with JIS 2354, and Yamaco is known to have received 2356. Why aren't they sequential? Maybe there was an intervening company with a wrench in class B4604.

On January 30, 1954 all adjustable wrench tests were folded into class B4604 with notes to indicate the jaw angle, and Yamaco's certification would have been converted to B4604.

Monthly Report 1954-03: Certifications for Class B4614

[1954-03 JIS Certifications for Class B4614]
Fig. 12. 1954-03 JIS Certifications for Class B4614.

The scan in Fig. 12 shows a group of four JIS certifications in class B4614, as published on page 141 of the March, 1954 Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text. The JIS number and date have been filled in from later reports.

コン ピ ビ ネ ーション プラ イヤ B 4614
2717 28.11.16 中島精密機械鍛造㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
271828.11.16 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324
271928.11.16 (株)松戸製作所 千葉県松戸市根本442
272028.11.16 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516

Monthly Report 1954-03: Certifications for Class B4631

[1954-03 JIS Certifications for Class B4631]
Fig. 13. 1954-03 JIS Certifications for Class B4631.

The scan in Fig. 13 shows a group of three JIS certifications in class B4631, as published on page 141 of the March, 1954 Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text. The JIS number and date have been filled in from later reports.

ラジ オペ ンチ B 4631
2723 28.11.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府中河内郡三野容村玉井 149
272428.11.16 篠原鉄工(株) 堺市北清水町 1ー20
272528.11.16 (限)栄工社 東京都北区王子町 1328

Monthly Report 1955-09: JIS 4248 for Maeda in Class B4636

[1955-09 JIS Certifications for Maeda]
Fig. 14. 1955-09 JIS Certifications for Maeda.

The composite scan in Fig. 14 shows a set of three separate JIS certifications for Maeda, as published on the CWC website.

The first record is for JIS 4248 in class B4636 (socket wrenches) and is dated 30.9.6 (September 6, 1955). [Editor's note: get the date and page number of the original source.]

The table below shows the OCR conversion for the first record. (The other certifications are shown in the Aggregated Monthly Reports.)

① B4636
4248 30.9.6 前田金属工業 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34

Monthly Report 1958-10: JIS 6159 for Asahi in Class B4630

[1958-10 JIS Certification 6159 for Asahi]
Fig. 15. 1958-10 JIS Certification 6159 for Asahi.

The composite scan in Fig. 15 shows JIS certification 6159 for Asahi in class 4630, as published on page 5 of the October, 1958 Monthly Report. (The scan has been edited to show just the certification of interest.)

The block of white text at the top translates as "JIS display permission factory permission status".

This document doesn't give the exact date for the certification, but instead the two lines at the right give the date range as Showa 33.8.15 to 33.9.15 (August 15, 1958 to September 15, 1958), presumably the dates covered by this monthly report. The exact date was listed as August 27, 1958 in the 1962 Certified List.

The company name and address are readable but too small for an OCR conversion, but we recognize it as Asahi Kinzoku Kōgyō at the Fuse factory in Osaka prefecture.

JIS 表示許可工場許可状況
TypeCompanyAddressClass Number
ス パ ナ 旭金属工業㈱ 大阪府布施市高井田本通 1-30B 4630 6159

Monthly Report 1963-12: JIS 9589 for Sugimoto Tankō in Class B4630

[1963-12 JIS Certification 9589 for Sugimoto Tankō in Class B4630]
Fig. 16. 1963-12 JIS Certification 9589 for Sugimoto Tankō in Class B4630.

The composite scan in Fig. 16 shows JIS certification 9589 for Sugimoto Tankō in class B4630, as published on page 89 of the December, 1963 Monthly Report. (The scan was edited to show just the certification of interest.)

The table below shows the scan converted to Japanese text.

JIS 表示許可工場許可状況
(昭和38年 9 月 3 日一10月10日)
Type CompanyAddressClass Number
ス パ ナ杉本鍛工㈱ 大阪府大阪市西淀川区姫島町3-1540B 4630 9589
Comments on 1963-09 JIS 9589 Record

Monthly Report 1964-04: JIS 9785 for Itō Kōgu in Class B4631

[1964-04 Report of JIS Certification 9785 for Itō Kōgu in Class B4631]
Fig. 17. 1964-04 Report of JIS Certification 9785 for Itō Kōgu in Class B4631.

The composite scan in Fig. 17 shows JIS certification 9785 for Itō Kōgu in class B4631, as published on page 93 of the JIS Monthly Report for April, 1964. (The original scan has been edited to show just the B46xx certifications.)

As a bonus we get two certifications for Hokuyo Sangyo, JIS 9786 in class B4604 and JIS 9787 in class B4614.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text.

(昭和38年12月17日一39年 1 月27日)
Item Name CompanyAddressClass Number
ラジオペンチ 井藤工具㈱ 阪府堺市遠里小野町 4丁165B 4631 9785
レ ン チ 北陽産業費㈱ 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144B 4604 9786
コンビネーシヨンプライヤ 北陽産業費㈱ 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144B 4614 9787
Comments on 1964-04 Monthly Report for JIS 9785

Monthly Report 1965-10: JIS 565060 for Ouchi in Class B4630

[1965-10 JIS Certification 565060 for Ouchi in Class B4630]
Fig. 18. 1965-10 JIS Certification 565060 for Ouchi Tankō in Class B4630.

The composite scan in Fig. 18 shows JIS certification 565060 for Ouchi Tankō in class B4630, as published on pages 80 and 81 of the October, 1965 Monthly Report. (The heading from the previous page was combined with the certification of interest.)

The heading shows a date range from May 10, 1965 to August 14, 1965, with the actual publication date some months later.

The table below shows the scan converted to Japanese text.

JIS マークの表示許可
(昭和 40 年5 月 10 日40 年8月14 日)
Type CompanyAddressClass Number
ス パ ナ大内鉄工所 大阪府河内市若江南838B 4630 565060
Comments on 1965-10 JIS 565060 Record

Monthly Report 1971-02: Certifications for Maruto Hasegawa in Classes B4623 and B4631

[1971-02 Monthly Report for Maruot in Classes B4623 and B4631]
Fig. 19A. 1971-02 Monthly Report for Maruto in Classes B4623 and B4631.

The composite scan in Fig. 19A shows JIS certifications 1018 in class B4623 and 370202 in class B4631, as published on page 31 of the February, 1971 Monthly Report.

The scan has been edited to show just the certifications of interest, and the test date of 45.11.12 is represented by the quotes in the third column.

These certifications for Maruto Hasegawa have already been entered into our Aggregated Monthly Reports table, but we wanted to show the original scan here, since it is of special interest. Do you notice anything different in this report?

The column at the right has the product notes for the tests, with both "Strong" and "Normal" grade for class B4623! This is the earliest Monthly Report we've found that provides a column for the product notes.

By 1955 the product notes had become an essential requirement for any class with suffixes, yet it wasn't until more than 15 years later that the Monthly Report finally began reporting the field!

Monthly Report 1973-02: JIS 372165 for Kita Nihon in Class B4630

[1973-02 JIS Certification 372165 for Kita Nihon in Class B4630]
Fig. 19. 1973-02 JIS Certification 372165 for Kita Nihon in Class B4630.

The composite scan in Fig. 19 shows JIS certification 372165 for Kita Nihon in class B4630, as published on page 28 of the February, 1973 Monthly Report. (The scan has been edited to show just the certification of interest.)

This certification turned out to be important in tracing an otherwise obscure business succession, as JIS 372165 was transferred when Shin Nihon Tankō acquired Kita Nihon, and later was transferred to Asahi Kinzoku.

We want to draw the reader's attention to the fact that this monthly report has included the exact date of the test, as well as the product notes, which indicate "maru" (round) style single and double ended in "N" and "H" grade, as well as "spear type".

This is one of the earliest monthly reports we've found that provides the product notes, which are often essential to understand the scope of the certification.

372165 47.10.13 北日本鍛造(株) 新潟県新潟市東入船町3729B4630 丸形片口両口
Comments on 1973-02 JIS 372165 Record

Monthly Report 1975-01: JIS 374091 for Aigo Kōgyō in Class B4604

[1975-01 JIS Certification 374091 for Aigo Kōgyō in Class B4604]
Fig. 20. 1975-01 JIS Certification 374091 for Aigo Kōgyō in Class B4604.

The scan in Fig. 20 shows JIS certification 374091 for Aigo Kōgyō in class B4604, as published on page 19 of the January, 1975 Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text.

レンチ 374091 49.10. 4 相伍工業㈱ 本社工場 三条市大字新保1108B4604 モンキーレンチ
Comments on 1975-01 JIS 374091 Record

Monthly Report 1982-02: JIS 2356 Class B4604 Revoke for Yamaco

The next two scans show a revocation and restoration for JIS 2356 on the same day, for a change in the factory from Rokumanji to Kano.

[1982-02 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Revoke for Yamaco]
Fig. 21. 1982-02 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Revoke for Yamaco.

The composite scan in Fig. 21 shows a revocation of JIS 2356 in class B4604 for Yamaco, as published on page 32 of the February, 1982 Monthly Report. (The scan was edited to show only the cancellation of interest.)

The table below has an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text.

許可取消し工場 (許可辞退及び失効による)
許可一部取消し工場 (許可一部辞退及び一部失効による)
レンチ 2356 56.10.26
28. 6.20
ヤマコー 大阪府東大阪市六万寺町3-3-22B4604 モンキーレンチ 全鍛造品 23度形
Comments on 1982-02 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Revoke Record

Monthly Report 1981-10: JIS 2356 Class B4604 Restore for Yamaco

This next figure is a continuation of the previous figures and shows the corresponding restoration event.

[1981 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Restore for Yamaco]
Fig. 22. 1981 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Restore for Yamaco.

The scan in Fig. 22 shows the restoration of JIS 2356 in class B4604 for Yamaco, as shown on the CWC website.

This report was originally published in the "Standardization Journal" for February, 1982. [Editor's note: get the page number of the original source.]

The table below has an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text.

レンチ 2356 56.10.26 ヤマコー㈱ 大阪府東大阪市加納1009B4604 全鍛造品 23度形, 強力級
Comments on 1981-10 JIS 2356 Class B4604 Restore Record

Monthly Report 1982-04: JIS 1978 Release by Osaka Tankō

[1982-04 JIS 1978 Release for Osaka Tankō]
Fig. 23. 1982-04 JIS 1978 Release for Osaka Tankō.

The scan in Fig. 23 shows the record releasing JIS 1978 for Osaka Tankō in class B4630, as published on page 42 of the April, 1982 Monthly Report.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text.

許可取消し工場 (許可辞退及び失効による)
ス パ ナ 1978 56.11.30
大阪鍛工(株) 愛知県名古屋市守山区大字瀬古字宝王寺75B4630 丸形 片口,両口
やり形 両口
Comments on 1982-04 JIS 1978 Release Record

Monthly Report 1984-07: JIS 1448 Release by An'naka Kōgu

[1984-07 JIS Release for An'naka Kōgu Class B4604]
Fig. 24. 1984-07 JIS Release for An'naka Kōgu Class B4604.

The scan in Fig. 24 shows the JIS record releasing (or revoking) JIS 1448 for class B4604, as published on page 63 of the July, 1984 Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text.

レ ン チ 1448 59. 3. 5
27. 5.13
安中工具(株) 大阪東大阪市四条町 18-14B4604 モンキーレンチ
全鍛造品 23度形 強力級
全鍛造品 23度形 普通級
下あご鍛造品 23度形
Comments on 1984-07 JIS 1448 Release Record

Monthly Report 1984-08: JIS Revoke for Toho Kōki Factory Move

This next record is one of the most interesting examples of JIS transactions at work, as it simultaneously revokes all of Toho Kōki current registrations due to an impending move to a new factory. In the process it also provides a snapshot of the current state, which includes some information we didn't have before.

[1984-08 JIS Revoke Toho Kōki Factory Move]
Fig. 25. 1984-08 JIS Revoke for Toho Kōki Factory Move.

The scan in Fig. 25 shows the JIS record revoking all of Toho Kōki's registrations due to a factory move.

The transactions are dated on April 11, 1984 and were published on page 55 of the 1984-08 Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text.

The form is relatively simple and the fourth column shows the Toho Kōki name 東邦工機 on all lines, along with the current address.

Apart from the comments noted below, most of the form is without controversy, and the data has been entered into the JIS database as a "Revoke" transaction for each JIS number and class, on the stated date of April 11, 1984.

レンチ 657 59. 4.11
26. 6.28
東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14 B4604 モンキーレンチ
全鍛造品 23度形 普通級
全鍛造品 23度形 強力級
          B4606 パイプレンチ
普退形 強力級
ス パ ナ 6036 59. 4.11
33. 6.25
東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14 B4630 丸形 片ロ 強力級
丸形 両ロ 強力級
ボルトクリッパー 566035 59. 4.11
41. 6.18
東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14 B4643  
めがねレンチ 566036 59. 4.11
41. 6.18
東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14 B4632 45 度長形
Comments on 1984-04 JIS Revoke Record

Monthly Report 1985-09: Restore JIS 657 After Toho Kōki Factory Move

This next record is a follow-up to the previous example, as Toho Kōki's registrations for classes B4604 and B4606 are restored after completing the factory move.

[1985 Restore JIS 657 for Toho Kōki B4604/B4606 After Factory Move]
Fig. 26. 1985 Restore JIS 657 for Toho Kōki B4604/B4606 After Factory Move.

The scan in Fig. 26 shows the JIS record restoring Toho Kōki's JIS 657 registration for classes B4604 and B4606.

This transaction was dated June 13, 1985 and was published on page 44 of the 1985-09 JIS Monthly Report.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text. This data has been entered into the JIS database as a "Restore" transaction on June 13, 1985.

As a side note, JIS 566035 was restored on October 16, 1985, but due to data limitations we didn't learn about it until the 1999 summary.

レンチ 657 60.6.13 東邦工機(株) 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4604 全鍛造品 23度形 強力級
          B4606 強力級
Comments on 1985-09 Restore JIS 657 Record

Monthly Report 1985-10: Cancellation for Maeda JIS 4248

[1985-10 Maeda JIS 4248 Cancellation]
Fig. 27. 1985-10 Cancellation for Maeda JIS 4248.

The scan in Fig. 27 shows the record for the cancellation of Maeda's JIS 4248 registration for class B4636 at the Fukae factory, as published on page 83 of the JIS Monthly Report for October of 1985.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text. Note that three classes (B4636, B4637, and B4639) are listed under "Type and Grade", but only one class B4636 is shown under "Details". At the time of the cancellation, JIS 4248 covered the three classes, but only B4636 was being canceled. Maeda had received JIS 584030 for class B4636 at the new Tondabayashi factory on June 15, 1984 and no longer needed to produce sockets at Fukae.

This data has been entered into the JIS database as a "Revoke" transaction for class B4636 on June 17, 1985.

TypeNumberDateCompanyAddressClassType and GradeDetails
ソケットレンチ 4248 60.6.17
前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3一14一3 B4636
Comments on 1985-10 Cancellation of JIS 4248 Record

Monthly Report 1992-03: Transfer of JIS 379123 to Dia Seiko

This next record is an unusual case of a transfer of an earlier JIS registration to the successor company a number of years after a reorganization. In 1984 Inoue Seisakusho was having financial problems and was reorganized into Dia Seikō, and eight years later the new company was able to transfer an earlier JIS certification.

[1992-03 Transfer of JIS 379123 to Dia Seiko]
Fig. 28. 1992-03 Transfer of JIS 379123 to Dia Seiko.

The scan in Fig. 28 shows the JIS record transferring the registration of JIS 379123 to Dia Seiko, as published on the CWC website. [Editor's note: get the date and page number of the original source.]

The table below shows an approximate transcription of the scan into Japanese text.

NumberDate Description Class CompanyAddress Notes
379123 H 4. 3.17
S 54.10. 2
ス パ ナ B ダイア精工㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡栄村大字福島新田1620 追加
Comments on 1992-03 Transfer of JIS 379123 Record

Monthly Report 1994-11: Cancellation of Certifications for Socket Wrenches

[1994-11 Cancellation of JIS 5900 and Others]
Fig. 29. 1994-11 Cancellation of JIS 5900 and Others.

The scan in Fig. 29 shows the JIS records of the cancellation of JIS 5900 and other other certifications for socket wrenches, as published on pages 74 and 77 of the November, 1994 JIS Monthly Report. (The scan also shows cancellations for several other products besides socket wrenches.)

These cancellations are believed to be administrative changes to consolidate multiple JIS certifications into a single certificate number.

The table below shows an approximate transcription of the scan into Japanese text. (The non-socket wrench products have been omitted.)

Description Number Date CompanyAddress Notes
ソケットレンチ用ハンドル 5900 6.7.20 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3-14-3 その他
ソケットレンチ用ハンドル 6853 6.7.20 京都機械工具㈱ 久御山工場 京都府久世郡久御山町大字佐山小 その他
ソケットレンチ用ハンドル 570120 6.7.20 フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613 その他
ソケットレンチ用ハンドル 592005 6.7.20 素製作所 大阪府東大阪市加納4-10-15 その他
ソケットレンチ類 8490 6.7.4 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 品目取消
ソケットレンチ類 8978 6.7.4 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 品目取消
ソケットレンチ類 384071 6.7.4 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1 品目取消
Comments on 1994-11 Cancellations

Aggregated Monthly Reports

In order to save time and space, we have aggregated a number of monthly reports into the table below, with notes to indicate the source and action. Data sourced from this table will be tagged with "AMR" in the JIS database.

The entries are ordered by publication date and class.

Number Cert.
Company Address Class Notes
33.6.25 中央可鍛工業㈱ 名古屋市中川区富川町 3の1 B4643 MR 1958-08 p. 7
33.6.25 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市住吉区加美新塚町 114 B4630 MR 1958-08 p. 7
33.6.25 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324 B4623 MR 1958-08 p. 7
33.7.15 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡城東村小貫 657 B4638
MR 1958-09 Date estimated
33.8.27 旭金铖エ菜㈱ 大阪府布施市商并田本通 1の30 B4630 MR 1958-10 p. 5; date from 1962 CL
38.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2-34 B4632 MR 1963-05 p. 88; date from 1964 CL
39.2.18 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2-34 B4630 MR 1964-05 p. 83 New; date from 1964 CL
39.9.15 北陽産業 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 B4630 MR 1964-12 p. 79
39.9.15 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4630 MR 1964-12 p. 79
40.5.10 (株)大内鉄工所 大阪府河内市若江南838 B4636 MR 1965-10 p. 81 New; date estimated
トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4631 MR 1966-02 p. 94
トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4632 MR 1966-02 p. 94
トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4635 MR 1966-02 p. 94
41.6.18 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 B4643 MR 1966-09 p. 98
41.6.18 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 B4632 MR 1966-09 p. 98
花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 B4635 MR 1966-12 p. 102 "H"
(株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字田島121 B4623 MR 1968-03 p. 94
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 B4604 MR 1968-11 p. 95 Recertify
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 B4614 MR 1968-11 p. 95 Recertify
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 B4630 MR 1968-11 p. 95 Recertify
44.5.29 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 B4632 MR 1969-08 p. 97 New
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 B4604 MR 1969-11 p. 98 Revoke; date estimated
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 B4614 MR 1969-11 p. 98 Revoke; date estimated
43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 B4630 MR 1969-11 p. 98 Revoke; date estimated
(株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 B4635 MR 1970-11 p. 91 "H"; JIS corrected
45.11.12 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 B4623 MR 1971-02 p. 31 "NH"
45.11.12 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 B4631 MR 1971-02 p. 31
46.4.14 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4614 MR 1971-07 p. 23 New
47.2.15 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4623 MR 1972-05 p. 15 New "H"
47.12.22 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4631 MR 1973-04 p. 24 New; Corrected
49.10.17 北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町150 B4632 MR 1975-01 p. 19 New; 15°, 45°
50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171 B4623 MR 1976-03 p. ? "H"; Date uncertain
50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171 B4631 MR 1976-03 p. ?; Date uncertain
50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171 B4635 MR 1976-03 p. ?; Date uncertain
51.7.21 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本3一17 B4638 MR 1976-11 p. 30
51.7.21 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本3一17 B4641 MR 1976-11 p. 30
51.11.25 日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市見野山158 B4641 MR 1977-02 p. 30
56.7.4 (株)坂本製作所 大阪府東大阪市加納1135-1 B4623 MR 1981-11 p. 81 "H"
56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130 B4623 MR 1981-11 p. 81 Recertify "H"
56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130 B4625 MR 1981-11 p. 81 Recertify "H"
56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130 B4631 MR 1981-11 p. 81 Recertify
56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130 B4635 MR 1981-11 p. 81 Recertify "H"
56.7.21 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3一14一3 B4632 MR 1981-11 p. 81 15°, 45° Corrected
47.11.20 56.7.4 (株)坂本製作所 大阪府東大阪市西条町13-3 B4623 MR 1981-12 p. 42 Cancel "NH"
27.1.16 56.7.23 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 B4623 MR 1981-12 p. 42 Cancel
27.1.16 56.7.23 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 B4624 MR 1981-12 p. 42 Cancel
27.1.16 56.7.23 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 B4625 MR 1981-12 p. 42 Cancel
28.11.16 56.7.23 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 B4631 MR 1981-12 p. 43 Cancel
41.9.28 56.7.23 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 B4635 MR 1981-12 p. 43 Cancel
57.7.12 ㈱角田工具製作所 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1535-5 B4635 MR 1982-10 p. 36 "H"
47.10.13 57.4.1
新潟県新潟市東入船町3729 B4630 MR 1982-10 p. 39 Transfer "NHS"
33.6.25 57.8.30 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14 B4630 MR 1982-12 p. 40 Cancel "N"
58.4.1 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4604 MR 1983-07 p. 67 Recertify "H"
58.4.1 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4614 MR 1983-07 p. 67 Recertify
58.6.14 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1 B4630 MR 1983-09 p. 41 "NHS"
58.6.14 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1 B4632 MR 1983-09 p. 41
26.6.28 58.4.1 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4604 MR 1983-09 p. 45 Cancel "NH"
28.11.16 58.4.1 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4614 MR 1983-09 p. 45 Cancel
47.10.13 58.5.30 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟工場 新潟県新潟市東入船町3729 B4630 MR 1983-10 p. 65 Cancel "NHS"
58.9.29 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4631 MR 1983-12 p. 49 Recertify
46.4.14 58.8.24 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4614 MR 1984-01 p. 62 Cancel?
47.2.15 58.8.24 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4623 MR 1984-01 p. 62 Cancel? "H"
47.12.22 58.8.24 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 B4631 MR 1984-01 p. 62 Cancel?
58.11.7 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4614 MR 1984-02 p. 79 Recertify
58.12.28 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4632 MR 1984-03 p. 45 Recertify 45°
58.12.28 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4635 MR 1984-03 p. 45 Recertify "H"
40.12.1 58.12.28 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4632 MR 1984-05 p. 45 Cancel
40.12.2 58.12.28 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4635 MR 1984-05 p. 45 Cancel "H"
59.3.12 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4630 MR 1984-06 p. 59 Recertify "HS"
59.3.12 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4623 MR 1984-06 p. 59 "H"
59.3.12 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4625 MR 1984-06 p. 59 "H"
59.4.14 50.9.29 新日本工業㈱ 大阪府八尾市北木の本1-16 B4636
MR 1984-08 p. 55 Cancel
59.4.14 51.6.25 新日本工業㈱ 大阪府八尾市北木の本1-16 B4638
MR 1984-08 p. 55 Cancel
59.6.15 前田金属工業㈱ 富田林工場 大阪府富田林市若松町東3丁目3番6号 B4636 MR 1984-10 p. 57
59.9.4 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1
MR 1984-12 p. 32
59.9.4 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1
MR 1984-12 p. 32
60.6.4 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4623 MR 1985-09 p. 43 Recertify "H"
60.5.8 三木ネツレン㈱ 兵庫県三木市別所町高木638番地 B4606 MR 1985-09 p. 44 "H"
60.10.16 東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4643 MR 1986-01 p. 70
60.12.27 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4626 MR 1986-03 p. 52
385132 60.12.27 ㈱五十嵐プライヤー 新潟県見附市坂井町1丁目4番3号 B4626 MR 1986-03 p. 52
60.12.27 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4626 MR 1986-03 p. 52
62.6.30 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4626 MR 1987-10 p. 72 New
43.8.1 H2.5.24 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4604 MR 1990-11 p. 39 Factory move
43.8.1 H2.5.24 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4614 MR 1990-11 p. 39 Factory move
43.8.1 H2.5.24 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4630 MR 1990-11 p. 39 Factory move
43.8.1 H2.5.24 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4632 MR 1990-11 p. 39 Factory move
H3.6.6 井藤工具(株) 大阪府堺市遠里小野町4一4一6 B4631 MR 1991-10 p. 64 Cancel
H3.3.27 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171 B4631 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
370202 H3.3.27 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土揚16-1 B4631 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
365198 H3.3.27 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4631 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
H3.3.27 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171 B4635 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
370217 H3.3.27 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土揚16-1 B4635 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
365199 H3.3.27 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4635 MR 1991-11 p. 97 Cancel
H3.12.4 東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4630
MR 1992-04 p. 66 Recertify
H4.3.17 ダイヤ精工㈱ 新潟県南蒲原郡栄町大字福島新田1620 B4651 MR 1992-06 p. 87 New
H4.3.30 ㈱小林工具製作所 機械工場 新潟県三条市大字野目字大目2217一3 B4651 MR 1992-06 p. 87 New
H2.5.24 H5.2.17 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4630 MR 1993-05 p. 94 Cancel
56.7.21 H5.7.30 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納4丁目9番39号 B4623 MR 1993-10 p. 139 Factory Change
44.10.24 H5.8.27 フジ矢(株) 大阪府東大阪市松原2丁目6番32号 B4623 MR 1993-11 p. 67 Factory change
H6.2.28 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4623 MR 1994-06 p. 131 Cancel "H"
H6.2.1 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444-1 B4651 MR 1994-06 p. 130
H12.7.12 東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4604 MR 2000-11 p. 111 Cancel
Comments on Aggregated Monthly Reports

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