Alloy Artifacts

JIS Summary Reports

The following sections will provide JIS certification data from various summary reports, including the Factory Name Lists of 1955 and 1958, the Certified Lists of 1962, 1964, 1967, 1972, and 1982, and a web-based summary from 1999.

In general, the summary reports provided the cumulative certification status for companies that remained certified at the time of the report.

Prior to 1971 the summary reports served as the only source for product notes, including the notes that defined the class suffixes "N", "H", "P", and "S". The product notes should have been published in the JIS Monthly Reports, so that an association with the test date could be established, but for unknown reasons this was delayed until 1971.

1955 JIS Factory Name List

[Cover of 1955 JIS Factory Name List]
Fig. 30. Cover of 1955 JIS Factory Name List.

In 1955 the JIS administration published the first edition of the JIS工場名簿, commonly translated as the "JIS Factory Name List". This publication was a directory of all factories with JIS certifications for a wide range of product classes.

The scan in Fig. 30 shows the cover of the 1955 Factory Name List, as published by the Japanese Standards Association.

As might be expected for a first edition, there are some limitations in the data presented. In particular, the test dates for the certifications are omitted, and there are no notes such as jaw angle or "heavy" grade to describe the tested products.

We have extracted scans from the 1955 Factory Name List for classes B4604/B4606, B4614, B4623-B4625, B4630, and B4631, which are presented in the figures below.

Quick Links: >> Next B4604

1955 JIS Summary for Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1955 Factory Name List]
Fig. 31. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1955 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 31 shows the JIS certifications for Classes B4604 (adjustable wrenches) and B4606 (pipe wrenches), as published on page 37 of the 1955 Factory Name List.

This report omits the dates of the certifications, and although the JIS class is specified, no further notes are provided.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

レ ン チ (B4604 モンキレンチ) (B4606 バイプレンチ)
655 26.6.28㈱三条機械製作所新潟県三条市大字四日市1310B4604
656 26.6.28中島精密鍛㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4604
654 26.6.28 (名)第 一工業 所 東京者川区西小投川2-658 B4604
1449 27.5.12新三菱電工業㈱名古屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1 B4606
3064 29.5.8 ㈱松阪 鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200 B4606
3523 29.11.22京都機械工具㈱ 京都市中京区西ノ中合町15 B4604
2722 28.11.16新サンダー工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市福島区大開町4-32 B4606
657 26.6.28東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 B4604, 4606
1447 27.5.13日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 B4604
658 26.6.28 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516B4604
1448 27.5.13安中工具㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町475 B4604
2356 28.6.20ヤマコー㈱ 大阪府枚岡市六万寺町1,351 B4604
2354 28.6.20明石機工(株) 神戸市垂水区玉津町新方203 B4604
Comments on JIS 1955 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4614

1955 JIS Summary for Class B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1955 Factory Name List]
Fig. 32. JIS Class B4614 from 1955 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 32 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4614 (combination pliers), as published on page 38 of the 1955 Factory Name List.

This report omits the dates of the certifications, and although the JIS class is specified, no further notes are provided.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

コンビネーシヨンプライヤ (B4614 プライヤ)
319529.6.17 三条機械製作所㈱ 新潟県三条市大字四日市1310
271728.11.16 中島靖密鍛造㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
271828.11.16 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324
271928.11.16 (株)松戸製作所 千葉県松戸市根本442 (格戸152)
348729.10.21 京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15
272028.11.16 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516
Comments on JIS 1955 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4623

1955 JIS Summary for Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1955 Factory Name List]
Fig. 33. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1955 Factory Name List.

The composite scan in Fig. 33 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4623, B4624, and B4625, as published on pages 38 and 39 of the 1955 Factory Name List.

This report omits the dates of the certifications, but does include the JIS classes. In addition, class B4623 includes a note "1, 2 級", a reference to the two jaw types specified in the standard.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ(B4623 ペンチ B4624 丸ペンチ B4625 ニッパ)
1018 26.10.31 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字島田177 B4623 1, 2 級
647 26.6.28 (有)栄工社東京都北区王子町1328 B4623 1, 2 級
648 26.6.28 東京通信工機(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 B4623 1, 2 級
651 26.6.28 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町2-73 B4623 1, 2 級
652 26.6.28 御内工具製作所 大阪府中河内郡加美村大芝町8-86 B4623 1, 2 級
2173 28.3.11 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1-5 B4623 1, 2 級
1223 27.1.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 B4623 1, 2 級
653 26.6.28 (株)室本鉄工所 大阪市東成区東今里町1-57 B4623 1, 2 級
1222 27.1.16 森岡興(株)四條暖工場 大阪府北河内郡四条暖町中野 B4623 1, 2 級
3489 29.10.21 (名)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町丁396 B4623 1, 2 級
Comments on JIS 1955 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4630

1955 JIS Summary for Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1955 Factory Name List]
Fig. 34. JIS Class B4630 from 1955 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 34 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630, as published on page 39 of the 1955 Factory Name List.

This report omits the dates of the certifications, and although the JIS class is specified, no further notes are provided.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

ス  パ  ナ (B 4630 スパナ)
1974 27.11.10昭和スパナ製造㈱览京邡江戸川区西,之江1 一765
197527.11.10(株)松戸製作所千葉県松戸市根本 442
197827.11.10大阪鍛工, 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古75
1979 27.11.10服部スパナ㈱愛知研名々设市熱田区按田町28
1977 27.11.10京都機械工具㈱京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15
3488 29.10.21京都機械㈱斯邡府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50
Comments on JIS 1955 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4631

1955 JIS Summary for Class B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1955 Factory Name List]
Fig. 35. JIS Class B4631 from 1955 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 35 shows the JIS certifications for class B4631 (needlenose or "radio" pliers), as published on page 39 of the 1955 Factory Name List.

This report provides the JIS numbers but omits the dates of the certifications. The report covers only JIS class B4631, and no product notes are needed for this class.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
2725 28.11.16 (株)栄工社 東京都北区王子町1328
2724 28.11.16 篠 原 鉄 工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1の5
2723 28.11.16 花園工 具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149(河内145)
Comments on JIS 1955 Class B4631 Data

1958 JIS Factory Name List

In 1958 the Japanese Standards Association published its second "Factory Name List" as a summary of current JIS certifications. The report was similar to the previous edition and did not provide the test dates, but product notes were included for certain classes.

We have extracted scans from the 1958 Factory Name List for classes B4604/B4606, B4614, B4623-B4625, B4630, B4631, B4636-B4641, and B4643, which are presented in the figures below.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1958 JIS Summary for Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 36. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 36 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4604 (adjustable wrenches) and B4606 (pipe wrenches), as published on page 40 of the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications, but it does provide notes for the product specifications, such as the jaw offset angle and "strong" type.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

レ ン チ (B4604 モンキレンチ) (B4606 バイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 (名)第 一工業 所 東京者川区西小投川2-658 B4604
655 26.6.28㈱三条機械製作所新潟県三条市大字四日市1310B4604 23°形
656 26.6.28中島精密鍛㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 B4604
1449 27.5.12新三菱電工業㈱名古屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1 B4606
3064 29.5.8 ㈱松阪 鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200 B4606
3523 29.11.22京都機械工具㈱ 京都市中京区西ノ中合町15 B4604
657 26.6.28東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 B4604
658 26.6.28 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516B4604, 23°形
B4606, 強力形, 普通形
1447 27.5.13日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 B4604 23°形
1448 27.5.13安中工具㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町475 B4604 23°形
1452 27.5.12東邦工機㈱大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114B4606 強力形
2356 28.6.20ヤマコー㈱ 大阪府枚岡市六万寺町1,351 B4604
2722 28.11.16新サンダー工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市福島区大開町4-32 B4606
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1958 JIS Summary for Class B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 37. JIS Class B4614 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 37 shows the JIS certifications for class B4614 (combination pliers), as published on page 42 of the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

コンビネーシヨンプライヤ (B4614 プライヤ)
271728.11.16 中島靖密鍛造㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
271828.11.16 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館
319529.6.17 三条機械製作所㈱ 新潟県三条市大字四日市1310
348729.10.21 京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15
272028.11.16 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1958 JIS Summary for Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 38. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The composite scan in Fig. 38 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4623, B4624, and B4625, as published on pages 39 and 40 of the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications, but it does provide notes for the product specifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ(B4623 ペンチ B4624 丸ペンチ B4625 ニッパ)
647 26.6.28 (株)栄工社東京都北区王子町1328 B4623~25 1, 2 級
648 26.6.28 信工材(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 B4623~25 1, 2 級
1018 26.10.31 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字島田177 B4623 1, 2 級
4092 30.7.12 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 B4623 1 級 强力級
651 26.6.28 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町2-73 B4623 1, 2 級
652 26.6.28 御内工具製作所 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美大芝町 8 の86 B4623 1, 2 級
653 26.6.28 (株)室本鉄工所 大阪府大阪市東成区東今里町 1 の57 B4623 1, 2 級
1223 27.1.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 B4623 1, 2 級
2173 28.3.11 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1-5 B4623 1, 2 級
5394 32.5.27 (株)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町大字仁尾丁396 B4623 强力級, 普退級
Comments on JIS 1958 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630 >> Next B4630

1958 JIS Summary for Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 39. JIS Class B4630 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 39 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630, as published on page 42 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

ス  パ  ナ (B 4630 スパナ)
1974 27.11.10昭和スパナ製造㈱览京邡江戸川区西,之江1 一765
2174 28.3.11池田工業㈱新潟県燕市向町
1980 27.11.10㈱東亜鍛工所石川県加賀市勑播町2-3
1978 27.11.10大阪鍛工㈱ 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古75
1979 27.11.10服部スパナ㈱愛知研名々设市熱田区按田町28
1977 27.11.10京都機械工具㈱京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15
3488 29.10.21京都機械㈱斯邡府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50
1976 27.11.10㈱三本熱鍊エ萊所兵庫県三木市福井1683
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1958 JIS Summary for Class B4631

[JIS Class B4630 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 40. JIS Class B4631 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 40 shows the JIS certifications for class B4631, as published on page 42 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
2725 28.11.16 (株)栄工社 東京都北区王子町1328 B4631 1,2級
2723 28.11.16 花園工 具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 B4631
2724 28.11.16 篠 原 鉄 工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1の5
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4632

1958 JIS Summary for Class B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 41. JIS Class B4632 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 41 shows the JIS certifications for class B4632, as published on page 42 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

NumberDateCompany Address
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
4619 31.3.19 江東産業(称) 東京者江戸用区一み江 1 の233
4250 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区青祥院船戸町50
4251 30.9.6 京都機械工具(株) 京都市中京区西ノ中合町15
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4632 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4636

1958 JIS Summary for Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 42. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 42 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on page 43 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント(12.7mm角ドライブ)
5676 32.12.20 水戸合金工具製作所 茨城県水戸市赤塚町 3丁目 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江 東 産 業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1 の233 ① ② ③
4249 30.9.6 山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡城東村小貫657 ① ②
4246 30.9.6 京都 機 械(株) 京都府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50 ① ②
424730.9.6京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① ②
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ②
Comments on JIS 1958 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4638

1958 JIS Summary for Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 43. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 43 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on page 44 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
5677 32.12.20 水戸合金工具製作所 茨城県水戸市赤塚町 3丁目 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江 東 産 業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1 の233 ① ② ③
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1958 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data

Quick Links: >> Next B4643

1958 JIS Summary for Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1958 Factory Name List]
Fig. 44. JIS Classes B4643 from 1958 Factory Name List.

The scan in Fig. 44 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 44 the 1958 Factory Name List.

As with the previous report, this report omits the dates of the certifications.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
5901 33.4.10 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200
Comments on JIS 1958 Class B4643 Data

1962 JIS Certified List

[Cover of 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 45. Cover of 1962 JIS Certified List.

In 1962 the Japanese Standards Association published the first JIS表示許可工場名簿 or "List of Factories Approved for JIS Certification". As with the previous Factory Name Lists, this was a directory of the factories with JIS certification in effect at the time.

For brevity we will refer to these reports as the "Certified List" in the particular year.

The scan in Fig. 45 shows the cover of the 1962 Certified List, as published by the Japanese Standards Association.

The 1962 Certified List was a substantial improvement over the previous summary publications, as it included the dates for the certifications and provided notes describing the tested products.

We have extracted data from the 1962 Certified List for classes B4604/B4606, B4614, B4623-B4625, B4630, B4631, B4632, B4636-B4641, and B4643, which are presented in the figures below.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1962 Report for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1962 Report]
Fig. 46. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 46 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4604 (adjustable wrenches) and B4606 (pipe wrenches), as published on pages 44-45 of the 1962 Certified List (JIS表示許可工場名簿).

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text. The companies in the scan all appear in other scans and we were able to cut and paste most of the text from earlier OCR conversions.

レ ン チ① (B4604 モンキレンチ) ② (B 4606 パイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 (名)第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658
65526.6.28㈱三条機械製作所 新潟県三条市大字四日市1310 ① 2.3形
65626.6.28中島精密鍛㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
144927.5.12新三菱電工業㈱名古屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1
306429.5.8㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200 ① 部分鍛造品 口の傾き23度. ②
352329.11.22京都機械工具㈱ 京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① 強力形, 普通形
272228.11.16新サンダー工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市福島区大開町4-32
657 26.6.28 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114
145227.5.12東邦工機㈱大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114② 強力形
144727.5.13日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 ① 23°形
658 26.6.28 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町516① 23°形 ② 強力形
144827.5.13安中工具㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町475① 23°形
235628.6.20ヤマコー㈱ 大阪府枚岡市六万寺町1,351
Comments on 1962 Report for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1962 Report for JIS B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1962 Report]
Fig. 47. JIS Class B4614 from 1962 Report.

The scan in Fig. 47 shows the JIS certifications for class B4614 (combination pliers) from the 1962 report, as published on the CWC website.

We ran this scan through a Japanese OCR conversion and have placed the output in the table below.

コンビネーシヨンプライヤ (B4614 プライヤ)
Comments on JIS 1962 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1962 Report for JIS Classes B4623, B4624, and B4625

[JIS Classes B4623, B4624, and B4625 from 1962 Report]
Fig. 48. JIS Classes B4623, B4624, and B4625 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 48 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4623, B4624, and B4625, as published on page 45 of the 1962 Certified List (JIS表示許可工場名簿).

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ
① (B4623 ペンチ)  ② (B4624 丸ペンチ)  ③ (B4625 ニッパ)
8191 36.8.11 (株)栄工社 東京都北区十条仲原町2一12 ① ~③ 强力級
648 26.6.28 信工材(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 ① ~③ 1,2級
1018 26.10.31 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字島田177 ① 1,2級
6037 33.6.25 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324 ① 强力級
4092 30.7.12 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 ① 1級 (175mm)
强力級 (150~200mm)
6916 34.9.4 今津屋鉄工(株) 大阪府北河内郡四条町字中野 ① 强力級, 普退級
651 26.6.28 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町2-73 ① 1,2級
2173 28.3.11 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1-5 ① 1,2級
1223 27.1.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 ① 1,2級 ② ,③ 强力級
Comments on JIS 1962 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630 >> Next B4630

1962 Report for JIS B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1962 Report]
Fig. 49. JIS Class B4630 from 1962 Report.

The scan in Fig. 49 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4630 (open-end wrenches) from the 1962 report, as published on the CWC website.

We ran this scan through a Japanese OCR conversion and have placed the output in the table below, with headers added for convenience.

ス  パ  ナ (B 4630 スパナ)
7001 34.10.23 松戸工具物千葉県松戸市根本442丸形(普通級强力級)ヤリ形
1974 27.11.10昭和スパナ製造㈱览京邡江戸川区西,之江1 一765  
197827.11.10大阪鍛工, 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古75  
1979 27.11.10服部スパナ㈱愛知研名々设市熱田区按田町28  
3488 29.10.21京都機械㈱斯邡府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50  
1977 27.11.10京都機械工具㈱京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15  
8117 36.6.6旭金减ェ菜㈱大阪府八尾市南木本671 ヤ形両ロA式強力級, 普通級
        ヤ形両ロB式強力級, 普通級
        ヤ彤片口A式強力級, 普通級
615933.8.27旭金铖エ菜㈱大阪府布施市商并田本通1-30 丸形普通級
603633.6.25東邦エ機㈱大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新塚町114 丸形普通級, 強力級
Comments on JIS 1962 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1962 Report for JIS B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 50. JIS Class B4631 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 50 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4631 (needlenose pliers), as published on the page 46 of the 1962 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
2724 28.11.16 篠 原 鉄 工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1の5
2723 28.11.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149
Comments on JIS 1962 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4632 >> Next B4632

1962 Report for JIS B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 51. JIS Class B4632 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 51 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4632 (box-end wrenches), as published on the page 46 of the 1962 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
4619 31.3.19 江東産業(称) 東京者江戸用区一み江 1 の233
4250 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区青祥院船戸町50
4251 30.9.6 京都機械工具(株) 京都市中京区西ノ中合町15
7254 35.2.15 日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 15, 45, 60
Comments on JIS 1962 Class B4632 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4636 >> Next B4636

1962 Report for JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 52. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1962 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 52 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on pages 46-47 of the 1962 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント(12.7mm角ドライブ)
5676 32.12.20 水戸合金工具製作所 茨城県水戸市赤塚町3 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江 東 産 業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1 の233 ① ② ③
4246 30.9.6 京都 機 械(株) 京都府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50 ① ②
424730.9.6京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① ②
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ②
Comments on JIS 1962 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4638 >> Next B4638

1962 Report for JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 53. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 53 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on page 47 of the 1962 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
5677 32.12.20 水戸合金工具製作所 茨城県水戸市赤塚町3 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江1一233 ① ② ③
6853 34.8.10 京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① ② ③12.7mm角ドライブ
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1962 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4643 >> Next B4643

1962 JIS Summary for Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1962 Certified List]
Fig. 54. JIS Class B4643 from 1962 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 54 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 47 the 1962 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
6035 33.6.23 中央可銀工業㈱ 愛知県名古屋市中川区富川町3一1
5901 33.4.10 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200
Comments on JIS 1962 Class B4643 Data

1964 JIS Certified List

Data from the 1964 JIS Certified List is available for classes B4604, B4606, B4614, and B4630.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1964 Certified List for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 55. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1964 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 55 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4604 and B4606, as published on pages 60 and 61 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text. The OCR conversion of the full scan didn't work well at all, so we ended up clipping small parts of the image to run through OCR.

レ  ン  チ ① (B 4604 モンキレンチ) ② (B 4606 パイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658
656 38.1.28 トップ工業 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ① 強力級, 普通級, 鍛造品, 23 度形
9786 39.1.13 北陽産業 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 ① 15度形, 全銀造品, 強力級, 普通級
144927.5.13三菱電工業, 名右屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1
306429.5.8松阪鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町200 ① 部分鍛造品, 口の傾き23度
352329.11.22京都機械工具 京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① 強力形, 普退形
145227.5.12東邦工機大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114② 強力形
65726.6.28東邦工機 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114
272228.11.16新サンダー工業 大阪府大阪市福島区大開町4-32
144727.5.13日鍛工器 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 ① 23°形
144827.5.13安中工具 大阪府枚岡市四条町475① 23度形
65826.6.28日本理器 大阪府枚岡市四条町516 ① 全鍛造品, 23度 ② 強力形, 普通形
235628.6.20ヤマコー 大阪府枚岡市六万寺町1,351
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1964 Certified List for JIS Class B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 56. JIS Class B4614 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 56 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4614 (combination pliers), as published on page 61 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text. Most of the data in the scan was the same as in the 1962 report, so we copied the data from 1962 into the table below and updated the changed entries.

  B4614 プライヤ
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1964 Certified List for JIS Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 57. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 57 shows the JIS certifications for Classes B4623-B4625, as published on page 62 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ
① (B4623 ペンチ)  ② (B4624 丸ペンチ)  ③ (B4625 ニッパ)
1018 26.10.31 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字島田177 ① 强力級, 普通級
6037 33.6.25 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324 ① 强力級
8191 36.8.11 (株)栄工社 東京都北区十条仲原町2一12 ① ② ③ 强力級
648 26.6.28 信工材(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 ① ② ③ 强力級, 普通級
4092 32.2.23 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 ① ③ 强力級
651 38.2.12 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町2-73 ① 强力級, 普通級
653 26.6.28 室本鉄工所(株) 大阪府大阪市東成区東今里町 1 の57 ① ,② 强力級, 普通級
652 26.6.28 御内工具製作所 大阪府中河内郡加美村大芝町8-86 ① ③ 强力級, 普通級
2173 28.3.11 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1-5 ③ 强力級, 普通級
1223 27.1.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 ① ② ③ 强力級, 普通級
5394 32.5.27 (株)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町大字仁尾丁396 ① 强力級, 普通級
Comments on JIS 1964 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630 >> Next B4630

1964 Certified List for JIS Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 58. JIS Class B4630 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 58 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630 (open-end wrenches), as published on page 62 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan to Japanese text. The OCR conversion for the notes field didn't work well, so the entries have been edited by hand.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
ス  パ  ナ
   B4630 スパナ
7001 34.10.22 松戸工具(株)千葉県松戸市根本 442 丸形(普通級, 强力級)
ヤリ形 (普通級, 强力級)
1974 27.11.10 昭和スパナ製造(株) 東京都江戸川区西一江1の765
2174 28.3.11 池田工業(株) 新潟県燕市向町
898637.9.28㈱エヌ・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館 118 丸形 (普通級)
198027.11.10㈱東亜鍛工所石川県加賀市勑播町 2—3
197827.11.10大阪鍛工㈱, 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古 75
197927.11.10服部スパナ㈱愛知研名古屋市熱田区按田町 28
197739.12.17京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15
348829.10.21京都機械㈱斯邡府京都市南区苦祥院船戸町50 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
811736.6.6 旭金属工業㈱ 大阪府八尾市南木の本3丁目17 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
9589 38.9.17 杉本鍛工㈱ 大阪府大阪市西淀川区姫島町 3-1,540 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
6036 33.6.25 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新塚町 114 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
8976 37.9.13 日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町 3-165 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
9671 38.10.26 日本理器㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町 516 丸形 (普通級, 強力級)
9883 39.2.18 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2-34 ヤリ形 (普通級, 強力級)
1976 27.11.10 ㈱三木熱錬工業所 兵庫県三木市福井1683 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1964 Report for JIS B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 59. JIS Class B4631 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 59 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4631 (needlenose pliers), as published on the page 62 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
9785 38.12.28 井藤工具(株) 大阪府堺市遺里小野町 4一165
2723 28.11.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井 149
2724 28.11.16 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町 1-5
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4632 >> Next B4632

1964 Report for JIS B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 60. JIS Class B4632 from 1964 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 60 shows the JIS certifications for class B4632 (box-end wrenches), as published on the pages 62 and 63 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
4619 31.3.19 江東産業(称) 東京者江戸用区一み江 1-233
4250 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区青祥院船戸町50
4251 30.9.6 京都機械工具(株) 京都市中京区西ノ中合町15 15度, 45度, 60度
918138.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 45度
725432.2.15 日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市南消水町3-165 15度, 45度, 60度
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4632 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4636 >> Next B4636

1964 Report for JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 61. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 61 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on page 63 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8978 37.9.13 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市赤塚町 387 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1-233 ① ② ③
8490 37.2.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡城東村小貫 657 ① ② ③
424730.9.6京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町15 ① ② ③
4246 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50 ① ②
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ②
Comments on JIS 1964 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4638 >> Next B4638

1964 Report for JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 62. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 62 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on page 63 of the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8977 37.9.13 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市赤塚町 387 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 ① ② ③
8489 37.2.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小移郡城東村小貫 657 ① ② ③
6853 34.8.10 京都機械工具㈱ 京都府京都市中京区西ノ京中合町 15 ① ② ③
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1964 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4643 >> Next B4643

1964 JIS Summary for Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1964 Certified List]
Fig. 63. JIS Class B4643 from 1964 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 63 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 63 the 1964 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
6035 33.6.23 中央可銀工業㈱ 愛知県名古屋市中川区富川町 3一1
5901 33.4.10 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県松阪市南町 200
Comments on JIS 1964 Class B4643 Data

1967 JIS Certified List

The 1967 JIS Certified List has a different format from previous editions, and unfortunately (and inexplicably) omits the test dates from the tables! It also seems not to have page numbers, so we can't give a very precise reference for the extracted scans.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1967 Report for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 64. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 64 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4604 and B4606, as published in the 1967 Certified List.

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but most of these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text. The date has been added when known from other reports.

レ  ン  チ ① (B 4604 モンキレンチ) ② (B 4606 パイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 (名)第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658 ① 全鍛造品H級, 23度形
656 38.1.28 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ① 全鍛造品 23度形, H級, N級
9786 39.1.13 北陽産業㈱ 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 ① 全鍛造品 15度形, H級, N級
466055 (資)まこと刃物製作所 野生県関市平名町3 の56 ① 全鍛造品, 23度形H級
1449 27.5.13三菱電工業㈱ 名右屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1 ② 強力級
3064 39.12.16 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814の 2 ② 普通級, 強力級
3523 39.12.16 京都機械工具㈱ 京都市伏見区下鳥羽長田町40 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
144827.5.13安中工具㈱ 大阪府枚岡市四条町475 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
下あご鍛造品 23度形
65726.6.28東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 強力級
144740.10.20日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市見野山158 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
下あご鍛造品 23度形
65826.6.28日本理器㈱ 大阪府東大阪市四条町12-8 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 普通級, 強力級
2356 28.6.20 ヤマコー㈱ 大阪府枚岡市六万寺町1,351 ① 全鍛造品23度形 H級, N級
下あご鍛造品 23度形
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1967 Report for JIS Class B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 65. JIS Class B4614 from 1967 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 65 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4614, as published in the 1967 Certified List. (In the original publication the table spanned two pages.)

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

コンビネーシヨンプライヤ ( B4614 プライヤ)
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1967 Report for JIS Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 66. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 66 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4623-B4625, as published in the 1967 Certified List.

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but most of these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ
① (B4623 ペンチ)  ② (B4624 丸ペンチ)  ③ (B4625 ニッパ)
8191 36.8.11 (株)栄工社 東京都北区十条仲原町2一12 ① ,② ,③ の强力級
648 26.6.28 信工材(株)王子工場 東京都北区王子町3-15 ① ,② ,③ の 普通級, 强力級
1018 26.10.31 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字島田177 ① 普通級, 强力級
6037 41.12.19 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324 ① 强力級
4092 32.2.23 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 ① ,③ の强力級
651 26.6.28 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪市生野区中川町2-73 ① 强力級, 普通級
2173 28.3.11 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町1-5 ① 强力級, 普通級
1223 27.1.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 ① ,② ,③ 强力級, 普通級
653 26.6.28 室本鉄工所(株) 大阪府大阪市東成区東今里町 1 の57 ① ,② 强力級, 普通級
5394 32.5.27 (株)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町大字仁尾丁396 ① 强力級, 普通級
Comments on JIS 1967 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630 >> Next B4630

1967 Report for JIS Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 67. JIS Class B4630 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 67 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630 (open-end wrenches) from the 1967 Certified List, as published on the CWC website.

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but most of these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text. Many of the characters in the notes field were too small for the OCR to handle, so we have filled in some of them by hand.

Since the scan is missing the date field, where possible we have filled it in from known JIS certifications in prior years.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
ス  パ  ナ(B 4630 スパナ)
1974 27.11.10 昭和スパナ製造(株) 東京都江戸川区西一江1の779
2174 27.3.11 池田工業(株) 新潟県燕市向町
898637.9.28(株)エス・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館118-2 丸形, 普通級, 両ロA式, B式, 片ロA式
36600841.2.1相伍工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字新保1108 丸形両ロA式 B式, 普通級
36414839.9.15ト.ップ 工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ヤリ形, 両ロA式, B式
普通級, 強力級
36414743.8.1北陽産業㈱ 新潟県三条市西本成寺4144 ヤリ形両ロA式, B式 普通級, 強力級
197827.11.10大阪鍛工, 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古75
348829.10.21京都機械㈱斯邡府京都市南区苦祥院船戸町50 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
197739.12.17京都機械工具㈱ 京都都市伏見区下鳥羽長田町40 丸形, ヤリ形, 片ロ, 両ロ,
A式, B式 (強力級, 普通級)
811736.6.6 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本3丁目17 丸形
56506040.5.10(株)大内鉄工所 大阪府河内市若江南838 丸形, 両ロ,A式, B式 (普通級)
958938.9.17 杉本鍛工㈱ 大阪府大阪市西淀川区穫島町3-1540 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
603633.6.25 東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新塚町114 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
897637.9.13 日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府舞市見野山158 丸形, ヤリ形
967138.10.26 日本理器㈱ 大阪府東大阪市四条町1218 丸形 (普通級, 強力級)
988339.2.18 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東2-34 ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
197642.10.16 ㈱三木熱錬工業所 兵庫県三木市福井1683 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1967 Report for JIS Class B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 68. JIS Class B4631 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 68 shows the JIS certifications for class B4631 (needlenose or "radio" pliers), as published in the 1967 Certified List.

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but most of these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
365198 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
9785 38.12.28 井藤工具(株) 大阪府堺市遺里小野町 4一165
2724 28.11.16 篠原鉄工(株) 大阪府堺市北清水町 1-5
2723 28.11.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4632 >> Next B4632

1967 Report for JIS Class B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 69. JIS Class B4632 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 69 shows the JIS certifications for class B4632 (box-end wrenches), as published in the 1967 Certified List.

Unfortunately the date has been omitted from the table, but most of these certifications were already known from other sources.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date known from other reports.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
4619 31.3.19 江東産業(称) 東京者江戸用区一み江 1 の233
365200 40.12.2 トップ工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 45°度形 A式
4250 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区青祥院船戸町50
4251 39.12.17 京都機械工具(株) 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 45°度形 A式
60°度形 B式
566036 41.6.18 東邦工機(株) 大匠府大阪市東人区加美新家町111 45°度形 A式
725440.10.20 ㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158 15°度形 A式
45°度形 A式
60°度形 B式
918138.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 45°
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4632 Data
Quick Links: >> Next B4635

1967 Report for JIS Class B4635

[JIS Class B4635 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 70. JIS Class B4635 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 70 shows the JIS certifications for class B4635 (diagonal cutters), as published on page 117 of the 1967 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

強力ニッパ (B4635 強カニッパ)
365199 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 H級
566124 41.9.28 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 H級
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4635 Data
Quick Links: << Prev B4636 >> Next B4636

1967 Report for JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 71. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 71 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on page 117 of the 1967 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
ソケットレンチ ② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント
8978 41.2.4 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1-233 ① ② ③
8490 37.2.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡城東村小任 657 ① ② ③
4246 30.9.6 京都機械(株) 京都府京都市南区吉祥院船戸町50 ① ②
424739.12.16京都機械工具㈱ 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 ① ② ③
56506140.5.10 (株)大内鉄工所 大阪府河内市若江南838
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
56610041.8.18フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613
Comments on JIS 1967 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data
Quick Links: << Prev B4638 >> Next B4638

1967 Report for JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 72. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 72 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on page 117 of the 1967 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8977 41.2.14 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区西一之江 1-233 ① ② ③
8489 37.2.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小移郡城東村小任 657 ① ② ③
6853 39.12.16 京都機械工具㈱ 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 ① ② ③
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1967 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data
Quick Links: << Prev B4643 >> Next B4643

1967 Report for JIS Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1967 Certified List]
Fig. 73. JIS Class B4643 from 1967 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 73 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 117 of the 1967 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have also added the test date when known from other reports.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
56603541.6.18東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114
Comments on JIS 1967 Class B4643 Data

1972 JIS Certified List

The 1972 JIS Certified List is similar to the 1962 and 1964 reports in that it includes all of data fields. We have extracted scans for classes B4604/B4606, B4614, B4623-B4625, B4630, B4631, B4632, B4635, B4636-B4641, and B4643.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1972 Report for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 74. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 74 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4604 and B4606, as published on page 162 of the 1972 Certified List.

There's no key to explain the fourth column of the table, but based on a later report it appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

レ  ン  チ ① (B 4604 モンキレンチ) ② (B 4606 パイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 (名)第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658 ① 全鍛造品H級,23度形
656 26.6.28 トップ工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ① 全鍛造品23度形 H級, N級
9786 43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 ① 全鍛造品23度形 15度形
② 強力級, 普通級
144927.5.13三菱電工業(株)名右屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1
306439.12.16松阪鉄工所(株) 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814 ② 普通級, 強力級
352339.12.16京都機械工具(株) 京都市伏見区下鳥羽長田町40 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② H級
144827.5.13安中工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市四条町18一14 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
65726.6.28東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 強力級
144740.10.20日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府堺市見野山158 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
65826.6.28日本理器(株) 大阪府東大阪市四条町12一8 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 普通級, 強力級
235628.6.20ヤマコー(株) 大阪府東大阪市六万寺町3-3-22 ① 全鍛造品23度形 H級, N級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1972 Report for JIS Class B4614

[JIS Class B4614 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 75. JIS Class B4614 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 75 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4614, as published on page 163 of the 1972 Certified List.

There's no key to explain the fourth column of the table, but based on a later report it appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

  B4614 プライヤ
371007 46.4.14 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240
978743.8.1北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場新潟県三条市東本成寺1825
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1972 Report for JIS Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 76. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 76 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4623, B4624, and B4625, as published on page 163 of the 1972 Certified List.

There's no key to explain the fourth column of the table, but based on a later report it appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ  ① (B4623 ペンチ)  ② (B4624 丸ペンチ)  ③ (B4625 ニッパ)
648 42.11.22 東京通信工材(株)埼玉工場 埼玉県東松山市下野本1420 ① ,② ,③ 强力級
8191 36.8.11 (株)栄工社 東京都北区十条仲原町2一12 ① ,② ,③ の强力級
367229 42.12.22 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字田島121 2枚合せ强力級
371279 47.2.15 新潟工機(株) 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 ① 2枚合せ, 强力級
1018 45.11.12 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 ① 2 枚合せ, 普通級, 强力級
6037 41.12.19 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市東裏館2324 ① 强力級
4092 32.2.23 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 ① ,③ の强力級
651 44.10.24 大阪ペンチ(株) 大阪府東大阪市松原363番 ① 强力級 2枚合せ
1223 27.1.6 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市花園本町 2丁目15番9 ① 强力級, 普通級
653 42.10.16 室本鉄工所(株) 大阪府寝屋川市石津町372番 ① 强力級2枚合せ
569027 44.5.23 (株)松本鐵造所 大阪府東大阪市六万寺町3丁目5番33 ① 普通級, 强力級の2枚合せ
5394 32.5.27 (株)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町大字仁尾丁396 ① 强力級, 普通級
Comments on JIS 1972 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630 >> Next B4630

1972 Report for JIS Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 77. JIS Class B4630 from 1972 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 77 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630, as published on pages 163 and 164 of the 1972 Certified List.

There's no key to explain the fourth column of the table, but based on a later report it appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
ス  パ  ナ(B 4630 スパナ)
1974 27.11.10 昭和スパナ製造(株) 東京都江戸川区西一江1の779
2174 45.6.30 池田工業(株) 新潟県燕市向町 丸形片ロ, 両ロ
普通級, 強力級
898637.9.28(株)エス・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館118-2 丸形, 普通直, 両ロA式, B式, 片ロA式
36600842.8.30相伍工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字新保1108 丸形両ロA式, B式, 普通級
36414839.9.15トップ工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ヤリ形, 両ロA式, B式
36414743.8.1北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 ヤリ形両ロA式, B式 普通級, 強力級
197827.11.10大阪鍛工, 名古屋工場愛知県守山市大字葡古75
197739.12.17京都機械工具㈱ 京都都市伏見区下鳥羽長田町40 丸形, ヤリ形,
811736.6.6 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府和尾市南木ノ本671 丸形
958938.9.17杉本鍛工㈱ 大阪府大阪市西淀川区穫島町3-1540 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
603633.6.25東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新塚町114 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
897640.10.20日鍛工器㈱ 大阪府舞市見野山158 丸形, ヤリ形
967138.10.26日本理器㈱ 大阪府東大阪市四条町1218 丸形 (普通級, 強力級)
988339.2.18前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東2-34 ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
197642.10.16㈱三木熱錬工業所 兵庫県三木市福井1683 丸形 (強力級, 普通級)
ヤリ形 (強力級, 普通級)
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1972 Report for JIS Class B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 78. JIS Class B4631 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 78 shows the JIS certifications for class B4631, as published on page 164 of the 1972 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
365198 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
371247 47.1.18 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字田島121
370202 45.11.12 ㈱マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 2枚合せ
9785 38.12.28 井藤工具(株) 大阪府堺市遺里小野町4一6
571114 46.12.21 大阪ペンチ(株) 大販府東大阪市松原363
2723 28.11.16 花園工具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149
567171 42.10.16 室本鉄工㈱ 大阪府寝太川市石津町372
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4632 >> Next B4632

1972 Report for JIS Class B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 79. JIS Class B4632 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 79 shows the JIS certifications for class B4632, as published on page 164 of the 1972 Certified List.

There's no key to explain the fourth column of the table, but based on a later report it appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompany Address Notes
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
368235 43.12.28 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町1845 45°度形
4619 31.3.19 江東 産 業(称) 東京者江戸用区一み江 1 の233
369042 44.5.29 北陽産業(株)本社栄工場 新潟県五条市東本成寺1825番地 45°度形 A式
365200 40.12.2 トップ 工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 45°度形 A式
4251 39.12.17 京都機械工具(株) 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 45°度形 A式
60°度形 B式
568107 44.2.3 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府和尾市南木ノ本671 60°A式, B式
566036 41.6.18 東邦工機(株) 大匠府大阪市東人区加美新家町111 45°度形 A式
725440.10.20 ㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158 15°度形 A式
45°度形 A式
60°度形 B式
569132 44.12.25 日本理器㈱ 大阪府東大阪市四条町12番 3 号 45°度形
918138.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 45°度形AB式
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4632 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4635 >> Next B4635

1972 Report for JIS Class B4635

[JIS Class B4635 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 80. JIS Class B4635 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 80 shows the JIS certifications for class B4635, as published on page 165 of the 1972 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column in the scan appears to be the Japanese postal code and has been omitted.

強力ニッパ (B4635 強カニッパ)
365199 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 H級
371248 47.1.18 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字田島121 H級
370217 45.8.14 ㈱マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市大字東本成寺1911 H級
566124 41.9.28 花園工 具(株) 大阪府河内市玉井149 H級
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4635 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4636 >> Next B4636

1972 Report for JIS Class B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 81. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 81 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on page 165 of the 1972 Certified List.

The fourth column of the table appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8978 41.2.4 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江東産業㈱ 東京都江戸川区鬼江7一16一28 ① ② ③
8490 45.12.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 ① ② ③
424739.12.16京都機械工具㈱ 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 ① ② ③
56610041.8.18フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613番地 ① ②
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1972 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4638 >> Next B4638

1972 Report for JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 82. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 82 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on page 165 of the 1972 Certified List.

The fourth column of the table appears to be the Japanese postal code.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience.

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8977 41.2.14 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区鬼江 7一16一28 ① ② ③
371059 46.7.3 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 ① ② ③
6853 39.12.16 京都機械工具㈱ 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40 ① ② ③
570120 45.11.27 フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613 ① ②
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江東 2一34 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1972 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4643 >> Next B4643

1972 Report for JIS Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1972 Certified List]
Fig. 83. JIS Class B4643 from 1972 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 83 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 165 of the 1972 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column of the table appears to be the Japanese postal code and has been omitted.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
5901 42.4.20 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814
56603541.6.18東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市東住吉区加美新家町114
Comments on JIS 1972 Class B4643 Data

1982 JIS Certified List

The 1982 JIS Certified List was published with a very serious deficiency in that the product notes were omitted. The loss of the product notes is most serious in the case of reports covering multiple product classes, as the classes applying to a particular company are supposed to be identified by numbered circles in the notes field. Ironically a number of the reports supply a key in the heading with numbered circles for the JIS classes, but since the notes were omitted we don't even know which classes apply!

In an attempt to salvage some utility from the 1982 report, we have copied the notes field from the 1972 report, but this will obviously overlook any changes that might have occurred in the decade between the reports.

The 1982 published reports include the Japanese postal code as the fourth column of the tables, but since this is not relevant for our application, it has been omitted from our OCR conversions.

Quick Links: << Prev B4604 >> Next B4604

1982 Report for JIS Classes B4604 and B4606

[JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 84. JIS Classes B4604 and B4606 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 84 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4604 and B4606 from the 1982 Certified List.

Note the heading at the top providing a key to the JIS classes, but unfortunately and inexplicably the scan does not include a notes column for the product descriptions.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. Since the essential footnotes for product classes were omitted from the scan, we have copied the notes from the 1972 Certified List.

The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
レ  ン  チ ① (B 4604 モンキレンチ) ② (B 4606 パイプレンチ)
654 26.6.28 (名)第一工業所 東京都江戸川区西小拡川2-658 ① 全鍛造品H級,23度形
376004 51.4.19 ㈱井上製作所栄工場 新潟県南蒲原郡栄村大字福島新田1620
374091 53.2.22 相伍工業(株)本社工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2153一5
656 38.1.28 トップ工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624 ① 全鍛造品23度形 H級, N級
9786 43.8.1 北陽産業(株) 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825 ① 全鍛造品23度形 15度形
② 強力級, 普通級
144927.5.13三菱電工業(株)名右屋機器製作所大幸工場 愛知県名古屋市東区大幸町1-1
306439.12.16松阪鉄工所(株) 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814 ② 普通級, 強力級
352354.6.26京都機械工具(株)久御山工場 京都府久世郡久御山町大字佐山小字新開地158 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② H級
144827.5.13安中工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市四条町18一14 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
65726.6.28東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南 5 丁目9一14 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 強力級
144740.10.20㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
65826.6.28日本理器(株) 大阪府東大阪市四条町12一8 ① 全鍛造品23度形 N級, H級
② 普通級, 強力級
235656.10.26ヤマコー(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1009 ① 全鍛造品23度形 H級
   下あご鍛造品 23度形
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4614 >> Next B4614

1982 Report for JIS Class B4614

[JIS Classes B4614 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 85. JIS Classes B4614 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 85 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4614, as published on page 208 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. We have omitted the fourth column (postal codes) since it's not relevant to our application.

コンビネーシヨンプライヤ (B4614 プライヤ)
374078 49.8.28 ㈱五十嵐プライヤー製作所 新潟県三条市直江町2丁目4番6号
371007 46.4.14 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市西大崎1240
57903754.6.26 京都機工(株) 京都府乙訓郡大山崎町大字大山崎小字坦外29
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4614 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4623 >> Next B4623

1982 Report for JIS Classes B4623-B4625

[JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 86. JIS Classes B4623-B4625 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 86 shows the JIS certifications for Classes B4623-B4625, as published on page 208 of the 1982 Certified List.

Note that the heading provides a key for three JIS classes, but the notes to indicate the class(es) applicable to each company have been omitted, leaving the scan with only limited utility.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. Since the essential footnotes for product classes were omitted from the scan, we have copied the notes from the 1972 Certified List.

The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompanyAddress Notes
ペ ン チ  ① (B4623 ペンチ)  ② (B4624 丸ペンチ)  ③ (B4625 ニッパ)
373145 48.10.25 東立産業(株)埼玉工場 埼玉県東松山市野田字桜田700
380043 55.5.27 ㈱アーム産業 新潟県南蒲原郡下田村大字笹岡1458-7
367229 50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2171 ① 2枚合せ强力級,③
371279 47.2.15 新間工機(株) 新潟県三条市西大崎1240 ① 2枚合せ, 强力級
1018 45.11.12 (株)マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土場16番1号 ① 2 枚合せ, 普通級, 强力級
6037 56.1.29 涌井製作所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2171番地 ① 强力級
4092 32.2.23 昭和機械工具(株)諏訪工場 長野県諏訪郡富士見町落合11211 ① ,③ の强力級
574074 56.7.4 (株)坂本製作所 大阪府東大阪市加納1135-1
579132 55.3.26 新知工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市上四条町8一9
651 44.10.24 大阪ペンチ(株) 大販府東大阪市松原363番 ① 强力級 2枚合せ
1223 56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130 ① 强力級,③ 强力級
653 42.10.16 室本鉄工所(株) 大阪府寝屋川市石津南町16一10 ① 强力級2枚合せ
5394 32.5.27 (株)大矢根利器製作所 香川県三豊郡仁尾町大字仁尾丁396 ① 强力級, 普通級
Comments on JIS 1982 Classes B4623-B4625 Data

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1982 Report for JIS Class B4630

[JIS Class B4630 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 87. JIS Class B4630 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 87 shows the JIS certifications for class B4630 (open-end wrenches), as published on page 209 of the 1982 Certified List.

Unfortunately the scan does not include a notes column for the product descriptions.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

ス パ ナ (B4630 スパナ)
1974 27.11.10 昭和スパナ製造(株) 東京都江戸川区西一江1の779
2174 45.6.30 池田工業(株) 新潟県燕市大字机木1961番地4号
898637.9.28(株)エス・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館118一2
37912354.10.2(株)井上製作所栄工場 新潟県西蒲原郡栄村大字福島新田1620
38024356.3.18(株)小林工具製作所機械工場 新潟県三条市大字野目字大目2217一3
37216547.10.13(株)新日鍛工 新潟県新潟市東入船町3729
36600854.2.13相伍工業(株)本社工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2153一5
36414839.9.15トップ 工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
36414743.8.1 北陽産業株)本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825
197739.12.17京都機械工具(株) 京都府京都市伏見区下鳥羽長田町40
197754.6.26京都機械工具(株)久御山工場 京都府久世郡久御山町大字佐山小字新開地158
811736.6.6 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本3丁目17
603633.6.25東邦工機(株) 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14
988339.2.18前田金属工業(株) 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3-14-3
197642.10.16三木ネツレン(株) 兵庫県三木市福井1683
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4630 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4631 >> Next B4631

1982 Report for JIS Class B4631

[JIS Class B4631 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 88. JIS Class B4631 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 88 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4631 (needlenose pliers), as published on page 209 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

ラジオペンチ (B4631 ラジオペンチ)
365198 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
371247 50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171
372259 47.12.22 新潟工機(株) 新潟県三条市大崎1240
370202 45.11.12 ㈱マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土揚16番1号
9785 38.12.28 井藤工具(株) 大阪府堺市遠里小野町4一4一6
576093 51.9.18 新和工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市上四条町8一9
578099 53.10.24 (有)中央工具製作所 大阪府東大阪市四条町11一13
571114 46.12.21 フジ矢ペンチ(株) 大販府東大阪市松原363
2723 56.7.21 花園工 具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130
567171 42.10.16 室本鉄工㈱ 大阪府寝屋川市石津南町16一10
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4631 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4632 >> Next B4632

1982 Report for JIS Class B4632

[JIS Class B4632 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 89. JIS Class B4632 from 1982 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 89 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4632 (box-end wrenches), as published on pages 209 and 210 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below has an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column (postal codes) has been omitted since it's not relevant to our application.

NumberDateCompany Address
めがね レンチ ( B4632 レンチ)
368235 43.12.28 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町1845
4619 31.3.19 江東産業(称) 東京都江戸川区松江7一16一28
37912454.10.2 (株)井上製作所栄工場 新潟県南蒲原郡栄村大字福島新田1620
37514350.11.21 (株)エス・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館118一2
38024256.3.18㈱小林工具製作所機械工場 新潟県三条市大字野目字大目2217一3
38004155.5.23 佐藤技研㈱ 新潟県三条市直江町2-5-6
37311253.2.22 相伍工業(株)本社工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2153一5
369042 44.5.29 北陽産業(株)本社栄工場 新潟県三条市東本成寺1825番地
365200 40.12.2 トップ 工業(株) 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
47402649.10.17 北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町150
4251 39.12.17 京都機械工具(株) 京都市伏見区下馬羽長田町40
568107 44.2.3 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本 3 丁目17
566036 41.6.18 東邦工機(株) 大且府大阪市平野区加美南5一9一14
725440.10.20 ㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158
569132 44.12.25 日本理器㈱ 大阪府東大阪市四条町12番3号
918138.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3一14一3
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4632 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4635 >> Next B4635

1982 Report for JIS Class B4635

[JIS Class B4635 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 90. JIS Class B4635 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 90 shows the JIS certifications for Class B4635 (diagonal cutters), as published on page 210 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column in the scan appears to be the Japanese postal code and has been omitted.

強力ニッパ (B4635 強カニッパ)
365199 40.12.2 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字田島2624
371248 50.12.5 (株)小山鉄工所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2171
370217 45.8.14 ㈱マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土揚16番1号
57714052.12.20 (有)村井製作所 京都府宇治市大久保町大竹46一8
57718553.3.24 新和工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市上四条町8一9
566124 56.7.21 花園工具(株) 大阪府東大阪市加納1130
573115 49.1.31 フジ矢ペンチ(株) 大販府東大阪市松原363
576220 52.2.23 室本鉄工㈱ 大阪府寝屋川市石津南町16一10
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4635 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4636 >> Next B4636

1982 Report for JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639

[JIS Class B4636 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 91. JIS Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 91 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4636, B4637, and B4639, as published on page 210 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. Since the essential footnotes for product classes have been omitted, we have copied the notes from the 1972 Certified List.

The fourth column in the scan appears to be the Japanese postal code and has been omitted.

① : B4636 ソケットレンチ用ソケット
② : B4637 ソケットレンチ用エクステンションバー
③ : B4639 ソケットレンチ用ユニバーサルジョイント(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8978 41.2.4 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
4618 31.3.19 江東産業㈱ 東京都江戸川区鬼江7一16一28 ① ② ③
375073 50.7.9 (株)井上製作所栄工場 新潟県南浦原郡栄村大字福島新田1620
8490 45.12.2 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 ① ② ③
424754.6.26京都機械工具㈱久御山工場 京都府久世郡久御山町大字佐山小字新開地158 ① ② ③
57508350.9.29 新日本工業(株) 大阪府八尾市北木の本1丁目16番地 ① ② ③
57904355.7.31 田口鉄工(株) 大阪府東大阪市渋川町4一5一15
56610041.8.18フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613番地 ① ②
424830.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3一14一3 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1982 Classes B4636, B4637, and B4639 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4638 >> Next B4638

1982 Report for JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641

[JIS Class B4638 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 92. JIS Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 from 1982 Certified List.

The composite scan in Fig. 92 shows the JIS certifications for classes B4638, B4640, and B4641, as published on pages 210 and 211 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. Since the essential footnotes for product classes have been omitted, we have copied the notes from the 1972 Certified List, plus additions based on known earlier certifications..

① : B4638 ソケットレンチ用スピンナハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
② : B4640 ソケットレンチ用T 形スライドハヘンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
③ : B4641 ソケットレンチ用ラチェットハンドル(12.7mm角ドライブ)
8977 41.2.14 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町 1845 ① ② ③
5948 33.5.13 江東産業(株) 東京都江戸川区鬼江 7一16一28 ① ② ③
8489 46.7.3 ㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 ① ② ③
6853 54.6.26 京都機械工具㈱久御山工場 京都府久世郡御山町大字佐山小字新開地158 ① ② ③
57604951.7.21 旭金属工業(株) 大阪府八尾市南木の本3一17 ① ③
57603251.6.25 新日本工業(株) 大阪府八尾市北木の本1-16 ① ② ③
57613051.11.25㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158
57904455.7.31 田口鉄工(株) 大阪府東大阪市渋川町4一5一15
570120 45.11.27 フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613 ① ②
5900 33.4.8 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3一14一3 ① ② ③
Comments on JIS 1982 Classes B4638, B4640, and B4641 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4643 >> Next B4643

1982 Report for JIS Class B4643

[JIS Class B4643 from 1982 Certified List]
Fig. 93. JIS Class B4643 from 1982 Certified List.

The scan in Fig. 93 shows the JIS certifications for class B4643, as published on page 211 of the 1982 Certified List.

The table below shows an approximate conversion of the above scan into Japanese text, with headers added for convenience. The fourth column of the table appears to be the Japanese postal code and has been omitted.

ボルトクリッパ (B4643 ボルトクリッパ)
5901 42.4.20 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814
57603351.6.25㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158番地
56603541.6.18東邦工機㈱ 大阪府大阪市平野区加美南5-9-14
Comments on JIS 1982 Class B4643 Data

1999 JIS Summary Website Archive

In 1999 the JISC website published the JIS certifications in effect at that time, at least for a brief time. But it was long enough for the pages to be archived, and as a result we have online access to this data. We'll refer to this resource as the 1999 JIS Summary.

This data is much easier to work with for us — since everything is already in machine-readable text, no OCR conversion step was necessary.

The 1999 data is organized somewhat differently than the earlier reports. In particular, the data is broken out by reporting region, and no footnotes are provided to indicate the product characteristics (e.g. strong grade).

In addition, the data is grouped by a product super-class combining several JIS classes.

Since the reporting region is not relevant for our purposes, we have folded all of the regions into one table.

The following link has the 1999 Summary (in Japanese).

Quick Links: << Prev B4623-B4625
Quick Links: << Prev B4631
Quick Links: << Prev B4635

1999 Summary for Super-Class B010 (Pliers)

The 1999 Summary provides data for various types of pliers in super-class B010, consisting of JIS classes B4623, B4625, B4631, and B4635 in this sample.

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B010 ペンチ及びニッパ類
367229 1975.12.5 ㈱スリーピークス技研 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2171番地 B4623
365198 1983.9.29 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4623
1018 1970.11.12 ㈱マルト長谷川工作所 新潟県三条市土場16番1号 B4623
60371981.1.29㈱涌井製作所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2171番地 B4623
3820151982.4.22㈱角田工具製作所 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1535-5 B4623
3800431980.5.27㈱アーム産業 新潟県南蒲原郡下田村大字笹岡1458番地7号 B4623
5771401977.12.20有限会社村井製作所 京都府宇治市大久保町大竹46の8 B4635
6531989.7.18 室本鉄工㈱ 大阪府枚方市招提田近1丁目8番1号 B4623
5760931976.9.18新知工具㈱ 大阪府東大阪市上四条町8番9号 B4623
5780991978.10.24有限会社中央工具製作所 大阪府東大阪市四条町11番13号 B4631
12231981.7.21花園工具㈱ 大阪府東大阪市加納4丁目9番39号 B4623
651 1969.10.24 フジ矢㈱ 大阪府東大阪市松原2丁目6番32号 B4623
Comments on 1999 JIS Summary for Super-Class B010

Quick Links: << Prev B4604

1999 Summary for Super-Class B013 (Wrenches)

The 1999 Summary groups JIS classes B4604 and B4606 (adjustable and pipe wrenches) under the B013 super-class.

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B013 レンチ
374091 1978.2.22 相伍工業㈱ 本社工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2153番地5 B4604
656 1983.4.21 トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4604
97861968.8.1北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4604
3920571992.11.18㈱アーム産業 新潟県南蒲原郡下田村大字笹岡1458番地7号 B4606
3840181990.8.28佐藤技研㈱ 新潟県南蒲原郡栄町大字福島新田439番地1 B4604
3760041976.4.19ダイヤ精工㈱ 新潟県南蒲原郡栄町大字福島新田1620番地 B4604
4880061988.4.20北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町70字150番地1 B4604
30641964.12.16㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814番地 B4606
14471965.10.20㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158番地 B4606
5850071985.5.8三木ネツレン㈱ 兵庫県三木市別所町高木638番地 B4606
6571985.6.13東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4606
6950121995.11.30鳥取ロブスターツール㈱ 鳥取県西伯郡名和町大字高田1213番地1 B4606
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Class B4604 and B4606 Data

Quick Links: << Prev B4630
Quick Links: << Prev B4632

1999 Report for Super-Class B027 (Fixed Wrenches)

The 1999 Summary provides data for several types of fixed wrenches in super-class B027, which covers JIS classes B4630 (open-end wrenches), B4632 (box-end wrenches), and B4651 (combination wrenches).

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B027 スパナ類
368235 1968.12.28 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町1845 B4632
366008 1979.2.13 相伍工業㈱ 本社工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2153番地5 B4630
3840521984.7.13相場産業㈱ 新潟県三条市大字金子新田1691番地5号 B4632
89861962.9.28㈱エヌ・テー・ケー 新潟県三条市西裏館118-2 B4630
3802421992.3.30㈱小林工具製作所機械工場 新潟県三条市大字塚野目字大月2217番地3 B4630
3641481984.3.12トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4630
3641471968.8.1北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4632
21741970.6.30池田工業㈱ 新潟県燕市大字杣木1961番地4号 B4630
3830441983.6.14 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444番地1 B4630
3800411980.5.23 佐藤技研㈱ 新潟県南蒲原郡栄町大字福島新田439番地1 B4632
3791231979.10.2 ダイヤ精工㈱ 新潟県南蒲原郡栄町大字福島新田1620番地 B4630
4740261974.10.17 北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町70字150番地1 B4632
91811963.1.29 前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3丁目14番3号 B4632
72541965.10.20 ㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158番地 B4632
19761967.10.16 三木ネツレン㈱ 兵庫県三木市別所町高木638番地 B4630
5910361991.12.4 東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4630
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Super-Class B027

Quick Links: << Prev B4614

1999 Report for Super-Class B043 (Combination Pliers)

The 1999 Summary provides data for combination pliers in super-class B043, consisting of just JIS class B4614 in this sample.

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B043 コンビネーションプライヤ
27171983.4.21トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4614
371007 1983.11.7 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4614
9787 1968.8.1 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4614
27181981.1.29㈱涌井製作所 新潟県三条市大字塚野目2171番地 B4614
3740781984.2.23㈱五十嵐プライヤー 新潟県見附市坂井町1丁目4番3号 B4614
3890451989.9.5㈱角田工具製作所 燕工場 新潟県燕市大字杉柳270番地 B4614
5790371979.6.26京都機工㈱ 京都府乙訓郡大山崎町大山崎小字堤外39番地 B4614
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Super-Class B043

1999 Report for Super-Class B070 (Waterpump Pliers)

The 1999 Summary data in super-class B070 includes JIS class B4626 (waterpump pliers). This is actually the first summary report to include class B4626.

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B070 ウォータポンププライヤヤ
3851311985.12.27トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 B4626
387028 1987.6.30 新潟工機㈱ 新潟県三条市金子新田945番地 B4626
385133 1985.12.27 北陽産業㈱ 本社栄工場 新潟県三条市土場7番54号 B4626
3851321985.12.27㈱五十嵐プライヤー 新潟県見附市坂井町1丁目4番3号 B4626
3890671989.12.6㈱角田工具製作所 燕工場 新潟県燕市大字杉柳270番地 B4626
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Super-Class B070

Quick Links: << Prev B4636

1999 Report for Super-Class B072 (Socket Wrenches)

The 1999 Summary provides data for socket wrenches in super-class B072, which consists of JIS classes B4636-1 and 00225 in this sample.

The oddball class 00225 needs some explanation. In 1998 the JIS standards for socket wrenches were revised to classify tools based only on drive size, using class B4636-1 for 12.7mm square drive and class B4636-2 for other square drive sizes from 6.3 to 25mm. Prior to 1998 socket tools had been tested based on functional groups (sockets, ratchets, extensions, etc.) without regard to drive size, and apparently some of the prior tests that couldn't be grouped into the new classes were placed in 00225 instead.

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B072 ソケットレンチ類
8977 1966.2.14 水戸工機㈱ 茨城県水戸市大塚町1845 00225
3840331984.6.15トップ工業㈱ 新潟県三条市塚野目2190-5 00225
384072 1984.9.4 旭金属工業㈱ 新潟県西蒲原郡吉田町大字下中野1444番地1 00225
4910231991.11.28北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町70字150番地1 B4636-1
84891971.7.3㈱山下工業研究所 静岡県小笠郡大東町中方656 00225
42471979.6.26京都機械工具㈱ 久御山工場 京都府久世郡久御山町大字佐山小字新開地128番地 B4636-1
42481955.9.6前田金属工業㈱ 大阪府大阪市東成区深江北3丁目14番3号 B4636-1
5761301976.11.25㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158番地 B4636-1
5840301984.6.15前田金属工業㈱ 富田林工場 大阪府富田林市若松町東3丁目3番6号 B4636-1
5820861983.1.31㈱秦製作所 大阪府東大阪市加納4丁目10番15号 B4636-1
5661001966.8.18フラッシュ精機㈱ 大阪府阪南市石田613番地 B4636-1
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Super-Class B072 Data

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1999 Report for Super-Class B090 (Bolt Cutters)

The 1999 Summary data in super-class B090 includes JIS class B4643 (bolt cutters).

The data in the table below was extracted from the website archive, with minor edits for presentation.

B090 ボルトクリッパ
3870051987.4.14㈱アーム産業 新潟県南蒲原郡下田村大字笹岡1458番地7号 B4643
484034 1984.11.13 北陸ケーティシーツール㈱ 石川県羽咋市柳田町70字150番地1 B4643
5901 1967.4.20 ㈱松阪鉄工所 三重県津市高茶屋小森町1814番地 B4643
5760331976.6.25㈱スーパーツール 大阪府堺市見野山158番地 B4643
5660351985.10.16東邦工機㈱ 奈良県大和郡山市小泉町2500番地 B4643
Comments on JIS 1999 Summary for Super-Class B090

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