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C.S. Osborne & Company

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C.S. Osborne & Company is a maker of pliers, nippers, and other tools, established in 1826 and originally operating in Newark, New Jersey. The company continues in business today, managed by the eighth generation of the Osborne family, and is probably the oldest American tool company in continuous operation.


The company was founded by Joseph English in 1826 as a maker of tools for the saddle and harness trade. In 1856 C.S. Osborne and William Dodd joined the business, with the firm becoming William Dodd & Company. In 1861 the firm became C.S. Osborne & Company.

[Early History of C.S. Osborne & Company]
Fig. 1. Early History of C.S. Osbourne & Company. [External Link]

Fig. 1 shows an excerpt from an article on the history of C.S. Osborne, as published on page 661 of the 1884 History of Essex and Hudson Counties, New Jersey.

The text notes that the company became C.S. Osborne & Company in 1861, and that by 1883 had 75 employees.

The company initially made tools primarily for saddle and harness makers, but in later years began producing tools for other trades.

[1891 Advertisement for C.S. Osborne Pliers]
Fig. 2A. 1891 Advertisement for C.S. Osborne Gas Pliers. [External Link]

Fig. 2A shows an ad for Osborne gas pliers, as published on page ii of the April 25, 1891 edition of The Sanitary News.

By 1895 the company was listed as a maker of pliers in the Strelinger A Book of Tools, a well-known early tool catalog.

[1916 Advertisement for C.S. Osborne]
Fig. 2B. 1916 Advertisement for C.S. Osborne & Company. [External Link]

Fig. 2B shows an ad for Osborne pliers, nippers, and punches, as published on page 137 of the November 4, 1916 edition of Hardware Dealers' Magazine.

Continuing Operations

Interestingly, the company continues in business today as a maker of industrial tools and tools for leather and upholstery work, making them probably the oldest American tool manufacturer.

Interested readers can visit their web site at C.S. Osborne [External Link].


C.S. Osborne: Issued and Licensed Patents
Patent No.InventorFiledIssuedNotes and Examples
245,269 T. Hagerty01/05/188108/16/1981 Instrument for cutting washers


C.S. Osborne: Registered Trademarks
Text Mark or Logo Reg. No. First Use Date Filed Date Issued Notes
Round-knife 9,976  12/23/188201/23/1883 For saddle and harness tools.
Filed by C.S. Osborne & Company, Newark, New Jersey.
Volume 23, page 274 of Official Gazette.

References and Resources

Photographs and observations of particular tools are based on items in the Alloy Artifacts Collection.

Catalog Resources

C.S. Osborne & Company: Catalog Resources
Catalog Year Notes
    Standard Tools (1911):
Standard Tools 1911 No copyright, undated. 68 pages.
Available for Download [External Link] from ITCL.

Selected Tools

Osborne 6 Inch Flat-Nose Pliers

[Osborne 6 Inch Flat-Nose Pliers]
Fig. 3. Osborne 6 Inch Flat-Nose Pliers, with Inset for Side View.

Fig. 3 shows a pair of Osborne 6 inch flat-nose pliers, stamped "C.S. Osborne & Co." on one handle, with "Steel" on the other.

The overall length is 6.6 inches, and the finish is plain steel.

Osborne 6 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers

[Osborne 6 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers]
Fig. 4. Osborne 6 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers, with Insets for Side View and Jaw Detail.

Fig. 4 shows a pair of Osborne 6 inch gas and burner pliers, stamped "C.S. Osborne & Co." and "Steel" on the jaws.

The overall length is 6.2 inches, and the finish is plain steel.

The top inset shows a side view of the pliers, illustrating the deeply incised gripping pattern on the handles.

The middle inset shows a close-up of the jaws of the pliers, illustrating the small opening in the nose that defines the "burner" feature.

Osborne 8 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers

[Osborne 8 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers]
Fig. 5. Osborne 8 Inch Gas and Burner Pliers, with Inset for Side View.

Fig. 5 shows a pair of Osborne 8 inch gas and burner pliers, stamped "C.S. Osborne & Co." and "Newark, N.J." on the handle.

The overall length is 8.2 inches, and the finish is plain steel.

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