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Contact Alloy Artifacts

Due to time constraints, we are unable to answer questions or discuss tools on an individual basis. This site was created to compile the known information on important tool companies of the recent past, and to document their production with photographs. To the extent that we have succeeded, the diligent reader should be able to answer many of their questions with the material published here.

But if you can't find a particular tool here, or have additional questions about a tool, we suggest posting your questions to one of the tool discussion boards listed on our External Links page. You may also want to check our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.

We do want to keep our website working properly, so if you wish to report an error, such as a broken link, missing photograph, typo, or other errata, please email us at:

The remainder of this page will provide some general background information on Alloy Artifacts.

About Alloy Artifacts

First of all, please note that Alloy Artifacts is a hobby website providing information on older tools and tool companies. Our only product is web pages! We are not affiliated with any of the tool companies listed on this site, we have no employees, we have never had any employees, and we have no personnel records of any kind!

1. Are you looking for a price estimate on a tool?

As a policy, we do not provide price estimates or appraisals for tools. There are simply too many makes and varieties to track, and quite frankly the selling price of a tool is not our main interest.

If you have tools to sell or just want to check the potential value of a tool, we'd recommend researching it on Ebay, the online auction service. Ebay is the largest marketplace for older tools, and the closing prices there will give you an idea of what an item might be worth.

2. Are you looking for repair parts or warranty service?

Please note that this website only provides information on older tools and tool companies. We are not affiliated with any manufacturer, and do not sell or service any tools.

Many of the older tool companies covered here are no longer in business, and therefore it's generally not possible to get warranty service on their tools, even if the company offered a "Lifetime Guarantee" when it was in business.

3. Are you a manufacturer interested in selling your products?

This website only provides information on older tools and tool companies. We are not dealers and do not act as manufacturers' representatives, and therefore would not be interested in your products.

4. Are you interested in purchasing tools?

This website only provides information on older tools and tool companies. We are not manufacturers, are not affiliated with any manufacturers, and are not dealers for any brands of tools. You'll need to send your inquiry directly to a manufacturer or dealer for the particular item.

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