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Coes Wrench Company

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The Coes Wrench Company was the quintessential 19th century maker of screw-adjusting wrenches, with roots going back to an 1840s partnership between brothers Loring and Aury Gates Coes.

Company History

[1888 Advertisement for L. Coes Knife Handle Wrenches]
Fig. 1. 1888 Advertisement for L. Coes "Knife Handle" Wrenches.

The scan in Fig. 1 shows an ad for L. Coes "Knife Handle" patent wrenches, as published on page 73 of the June 14, 1888 issue of The Iron Age.

The text notes that the wrenches were manufactured by the Coes Wrench Company, and provides the patent dates for the 1880 and 1884 "knife handle" patents.

The sales agent is noted as J.C. McCarty & Company of New York. This ad ran frequently in The Iron Age.

[1907 Advertisement for Coes Wrench Company]
Fig. 2. 1907 Advertisement for Coes Wrench Company. [External Link]

Fig. 2 shows an advertisement for the Coes Wrench Company, as published on page 47 of the 1907 Railway Shop Up To Date.


Coes Wrench Company: Issued and Licensed Patents
Patent No.InventorFiledIssuedNotes and Examples
2,054 L. Coes02/04/184104/16/1841 Method of Constructing Screw Wrench
40,590 G.C. Taft11/10/186311/10/1863 Improvement in Wrenches
229,673 L. Coes05/17/188007/06/1880 Wrench Handle "Knife-Handle"
Coes 10 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench
301,681 L. Coes04/02/188407/08/1884 Wrench Handle "Knife-Handle"
Coes 10 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench
538,411 L. Coes et al09/26/189404/30/1895 Wrench Handle
Coes 15 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench
D32,656 L. Coes04/16/190005/15/1900 Design for Wrench Handle
Coes 15 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench


Coes Wrench Company: Registered Trademarks
Text Mark or Logo Reg. No. First Use Date Filed Date Issued Notes
Eagle-Wrench-Shield Logo 1,696  02/27/1874 03/31/1874 Eagle, wrench, and shield logo.
For screw-wrenches.
Filed by L. Coes & Company, Worcester, Mass.
KNIFE HANDLE 26,392 02/01/188503/02/1895 04/09/1895 Text "KNIFE HANDLE"
For wrenches.
HAMMER HANDLE [logo] 47,177  05/09/1905 10/31/1905 "HAMMER HANDLE" with a crescent.
For adjustable screw wrenches.
Serial 4,778. Published September 5, 1905.
91 [logo] 47,178  05/09/1905 10/31/1905 "91" in a five-pointed star.
For adjustable screw wrenches.
Serial 4,779. Published September 5, 1905.
COES 64,696  09/09/1905 08/20/1907 "COES"
For wrenches.
Serial 12,407. Published June 25, 1907.

References and Resources

Photographs and observations of particular tools are based on items in the Alloy Artifacts Collection.

The Coes Wrench Company and the earlier Coes brothers operations are listed in American Wrench Makers 1830-1930, 2nd Edition by Kenneth Cope (Astragal Press, 2002). The book includes information on the early history of the companies, and shows illustrations of some of their early products.

Catalog Resources

Coes Wrench Company: Catalog Resources
Catalog Year Format Notes
      Coes Wrenches (1907?, Full):
Coes Wrenches 1907? Full No copyright, undated. 15 pages.
Published after 1906 death of Loring Coes.
Available for Download [External Link] from ITCL.
Illustrates "Steel Handle" and "Knife Handle" models.

Industrial Distributors

Coes wrenches were widely available from industrial distributors, and we'll add references as time permits.

Selected Tools

We have several examples of Coes wrenches and are preparing them for display.

Coes Wrench 10 Inch "Knife Handle" Screw-Adjusting Wrench

In 1880 Loring Coes received patent 229,673 for a method of attaching a wooden handle to a screw-adjusting wrench, which was followed by an improved design in the 1884 patent 301,681.

These two patents were widely used for the company's "Knife Handle" wrenches.

[1891 Catalog Listing for Coes Wrenches]
Fig. 3. 1891 Catalog Listing for Coes Wrenches.

The scan in Fig. 3 shows a catalog listing for Coes "Knife Handle" wrenches, as published on page 81 of the 1891 John H. Graham & Company catalog.

The wrenches were offered in either black or bright finish in sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 21 inches.

[Coes Wrench Auto-Grip 10 Inch Self-Adjusting Wrench]
Fig. 4. Coes Wrench "Knife Handle" 10 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, ca. 1890s.

Fig. 4 shows a Coes Wrench "Knife Handle" 10 inch screw-adjusting wrench, stamped with "Coes Wrench Co." and "Worcester, Mass. U.S.A." on the upper jaw, with "Mfd. Under L. Coes Pats." and "Steel" on the back side.

The overall length is 10.2 inches, and the finish is plain steel.

The "L. Coes Pats." marking is likely a reference to the Coes 1880 patent 229,673 and 1884 patent 301,681, which describe the wooden "knife" handle.

Coes Wrench 15 Inch "Knife Handle" Screw-Adjusting Wrench

[Coes Wrench Knife Handle 15 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench]
Fig. 5. Coes Wrench "Knife Handle" 15 Inch Screw-Adjusting Wrench, with Insets for Side View and Marking Detail, ca. 1900s.

Fig. 5 shows a Coes Wrench "Knife Handle" 15 inch screw-adjusting wrench, stamped with "Coes Wrench Co." and "-Steel- Worcester, Mass." on the upper jaw, with "L. Coes" and "Patd. Apr. 30, 1895 May 15, 1900" on the back side.

The overall length is 14.8 inches and the maximum opening is 2.6 inches. The finish is plain steel.

The first patent date refers to patent 538,411, filed by Loring Coes and Frederic L. Coes on September 26, 1894.

The second patent date refers to design patent D32,656, filed by Loring Coes on April 16, 1900.

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